Astrology looks at the world thru a lens that has no prejudice. It does not see: gender, race, religion, economic status, socio/cultural differences, sexual orientation, political affiliation or any of the ways in which we categorize or label ourselves.
What astrology does see is priceless towards understanding our invisible, internal ‘energetic’ self and the timing of manifestation.
The ‘how’ and ‘what’ is up to us. Where and when are usually cosmically determined. Free will exists and so does destiny and fate. When approached with compassion, equanimity and non-judgment the natal horoscope becomes an impartial map of probability and possibility with a built-in clock to help one plan for the future. For many, it’s the key to understanding and acceptance of the present moment.
The spiritual path using Astrology identifies our purpose and our karma. Past Life information is available as well. Psychologically, astrology helps us understand the nature of our ego, the obstacles that impede us and the actions and attitudes we must take to become self-realized. With regards to physical health astrology can reveal significant information that may be unavailable to traditional allopathic medical professionals. And more.
Yoga provides us with tools, techniques, practices and a philosophy to help us be more present and accepting of what is. Yoga teaches us how to relax around obstacles, minimize the ego drives and approach life’s challenges in peace. Where astrology represents a clock of the ever-changing present moment, Yoga gently trains us to receive that moment exactly as it is.
Both, together, advance us towards wholeness, well-being, enlightened consciousness and spiritual awakening.
Yoga Therapy vs Yoga
The ancient definition of therapy was “one who ministers’ or heals and the future of therapy is self-therapy where the professionals teach people how to heal themselves.
Yoga Therapy re-organizes an individual’s perspective to bring balance and attention to the whole by including the causal & subtle bodies in its methodology. Even a minimal amount of research will explain that yoga is more than just the physical challenges of the postures (asana’s). There are many different ways to practice yoga and we don’t always have to use our bodies to reach the enlightened state that yoga promises.
What we do is not nearly as important as what we can observe. Our primary purpose is for unity of body/mind/spirit. And, the whole, also includes the cosmic environment as referenced in many of the yogic scriptures. Astrology is unparalleled as a tool for understanding cosmic forces and continues to prove it’s relevance to those who take the time to study, learn, and embody their knowledge. Simple astrological techniques can help identify the most pronounced energetic blockages and thereby increase the potential for yogic healing.
Integrating astrology and yoga opens channels in the body like magic. Benefits are experienced physically, mentally and spiritually. We get clear. Our intuitive, psychic, creative, & spiritual abilities become part of our everyday existence with Knowledge & Wisdom as natural byproducts. Obstacles to our creativity melt away replaced by a new found sense of wonder.
An experiential approach to Astrology supersedes mind/intellect alone. Yoga practiced with this intention connects us to the cosmos and all the higher realms in safe and meaningful ways.

INQUIRE WITHIN with Embodied Astrology©
An Experiential Course of Self-Study
The intention for this work is to bring cosmic forces, yoga practices, and healing energies into time/space alignment.
EMBODIED ASTROLOGY© is offered in a variety of formats suitable for groups or individuals. Private Sessions, Workshops & Retreats are available. Intensives offer a ‘deep practice’ experience.
My preparation for our time together begins with the chart for the moment. It’s the ‘weather pattern’ for the session.
Depending on the event we may include using our individual natal charts. If that is something you are unfamiliar with I urge you have one calculated for you. That’s a service I provide with intensives/retreats.
That information guides me in choosing the appropriate yoga practices, on and off the mat that will help integrate the topic of the day.
Experiential portions of this program include: Asana, pranayama, mudra, yoga nidra, meditation, chant, integrative breathwork, art, journaling, expressive movement, dyads & storytelling.
Some hatha yoga experience is recommended but not necessary. Our practices are gentle & challenging at the same time. Experiences and insights that stimulate the mind-body-spirit connection can be profoundly transformational. Inner space explorations of outer space can at times stir up the unconscious and help us to see places we don’t often visit consciously. Be ready.
Over the years certain topics/themes have become *specialties* and can be presented in a wide variety of formats both in-person and online. Go here to read more.
Customized programs for your group/business/family/community are available.
CEC Credits are available for Yoga Teachers through the Yoga Alliance.
Coming: APB Courses for Yoga Therapists
Your Yoga Therapy is just what the world needs. Thank You.
I feel quite fortunate to be practicing yoga with Ida. During the pandemic she reached out to her Yogis’ and began zoom classes. At a time in my life when most of my day was tense and uncertain I knew Ida would show me how to calm down and relax. Her classes were the best part of my day. Ida also en...
Barbara L.
I’m writing to recommend Ida Cullen, my yoga teacher. She has been a great influence in my life. Her teaching is beyond wonderful. Also she has the most soothing voice I’ve heard. I’m a real convert at the age of 84. She has given me the ability to get calm and meditate. My life has become much happ...
Joan M.
“Ida’s class always takes me on a journey to find energy, love, and peace. Ida’s great sense of humour and insights about the challenges of being warrior – women – grandmothers inspire me to meet the day with positivity. Ida makes our online classes more personal and nourishing than you can imagine.”
I have enjoyed taking yoga classes with Ida for about the last 15 years. Ida’s classes are so much more than what people normally think of as a yoga class. Her wisdom and breath of knowledge of the entire “world view” of yoga, including Ayurveda, spirituality, as well astrology provide an eye-openin...
Thank You, Ida. You are so skilled even via zoom you are able to bring us to a sense of calm, peace, and acceptance. So thankful for your gifts. It’s as if you know what needs tending.
Esther D.
I am grateful for being on this journey with Ida Cullen as my teacher of Yoga, as I have been for almost 20 years. With her, I know I will feel better after each session than before going in. I know I am safe, as she takes me through the asanas, approaching the fullest expression of the pose for me...
Pat Halsey
Ida Cullen exudes kindness, clarity, and connection. Yoga Therapy for Grandma will offer you exactly what you need, because it is conceived in Ida’s kind heart, filtered through her deep experience, and honed in her sharp mind. Through the mirror of Ida’s teaching, you will be given your next piec...
Aruni Nan Futuronsky
Skylar Larkin
I have had the blessing of knowing and collaborating with Ida for 3 decades. I trust her work implicitly and have referred many clients to her, with the utmost confidence. . Her wisdom, presence, JOY, and insight brings profound support, clarity and momentum to anyone’s process. She is a sage, a heal...
My wife spotted ad, Yoga for Seniors, and said this is for you and with some reluctance I registered. That was a life-changing event, and from the very first day as a newcomer I felt welcomed by Ida with her gentle voice, bright enthusiasm and warm personality. She has a way of engaging all of us th...
Chuck H.
I don’t know how I would have survived this past year and a half and kept my sanity without Ida’s yoga classes. Ida is not just a yoga teacher, but an inspiration on so many levels. In addition to the physical benefits of her yoga practice, she brings so much wisdom, warmth and spirituality to her s...