New Year’s Resolution #1 Reinstate Piano Practices into daily routine. 5 Minutes, minimum. Here’s Day 1. FYI. Improvisation is the priority for these musical musings. Making it up as I go along.
Ever since the birth of this URL, I have tended to the tedious work it takes to manage this site. Calling it a hobby allows me to experiment and explore all the possibilities of having an online presence.
I’ve learned alot doing all this website production… I’ve learned about my self in the process too. And, I hope that I have been helpful in some way to you.
The world is changing, and I’m still here for the ride. Stay tuned for a new look, new offerings, and new ways to stay in touch.
Love & Light,
They’ve been in the news alot lately, getting analyzed every which way. So, I got curious and gathered together their birth info to create this who’s who on the Supreme Court in Dec.2022. Can you figure out who’s who? It’s a fun little exercise if learning astrology. Each of these charts was calculated only from mo/dd/yr of birth. No time or location was used. I’ve place the SUN on the Horizon, since it’s pretty easy to assume that their ego’s are prominent. More will be revealed.
There’s so much data/information in just this small slice of judicial role models it boggles the mind. Still, it’s a good place to begin a conversation…..
It’s my intention to write an article with which to compare my discoveries with others pursuing the same perspective. Of course, we still have to look at the chart for the USA to get some context. They don’t call them “birth pains” for nothing.
I found this passage recently… it’s part of the conversation between Krishna & Arjuna. Gazillions of words have been spoken and written and debated and turned into graphic novels to re-tell the story of the Bhagavad Gita.
The Matsya Vedh (Piercing-Eye) competition is one of a few different archery competitions that Arjuna had engaged in to achieve his dharma. Shooting at an eagle eye was another.
Hindu mythology has lots of stories that reference water/flooding and the value of the fish. Both the seated spinal twist (matsyandrasana) and the ‘fish’ pose (matsyasana) ask us to be mindful of the water element in our bodies.
Other blog posts from Bhagavad Gita are here:
Worn-Out Garments
A night before the day of Matsya Vedh (Piercing fish eye) competition, Krishna & Arjuna are conversing……..
Krishna says, “Arjuna, take care,
put your step forward
and concentrate on the eye of the fish”
Arjuna says, ” If I have to do everything, then what will you do?”
Krishna whispers softly, “What you can’t do, I will do”.
Arjuna asks, “And what is it that I can’t do?”
Krishna replies,
“I will keep the water steady…..”
You might want to read this first.….?
A week ago the moon passed thru the Aries portion of the zodiac where she tackled the complications that arise from Jupiter, Chiron, Mars, and Eris in Aries as well. She’s calmer now in Taurus.
But! Mars is pretty fiery & hot and so close now to Eris that I fear we’re about to see a lot of firewords until July 6 when Mars, having exhausted himself, as is his nature, rests for a bit in Taurus. Mars customarily spends about 6 weeks in a zodiac sign. That’s the normal rhythm of the universe for him. However, because of retrograde motion Mars will be in Gemini for (August 21, 2022 – March 26, 2023) SEVEN MONTHS! OMG! FYI (This is important for those of us who will participate in Beyond Words
For now, remember to take note of what’s happening in your life around August 21, when Mars crawls from Taurus into Gemini. Mars will return nearly to this point in time during his backward motion of this seven-month (yipes!!) retrograde journey. Mars rules Scorpio as well as Aries, so both those sun sign will feel the slow down motion most, perhaps? The retrograde period begins late October and lasts until Jan, 2023. That’s 2 solid months of backward motion in Gemini. It isn’t until Spring, 2023 before he reaches the 26th degree from where the Rx began.
Eris & Mars form a conjunction on June 27 at 24 degrees of Aries. The God of War meets The Goddess of War in Aries. Volumes will be written of the events that will continue until at least 2025.
more later…………… much to discuss, ponder, and contemplate..
stay safe………..
Om Nimah Shivaya…..shanti, shanti, shantihi
I’m now in my seventh decade of life here, this time around, and find myself still firmly rooted in the same vicinity of my birthplace, Neptune………… New Jersey, that is. The fact that planet Neptune is located near the nadir of my horoscope is a constant source of amusement. Synchronicity, you know?
During High School I was on the staff of The Megaphone, the APHS newspaper. At one time I was the official “typing editor”. Whatever. Hanging around with would be writers, editors, journalists, and graphic designers was a good fit for me, although I didn’t appreciate it at the time.
From the getgo I imagined this blog as an expression of the moment as filtered thru this brain with an attempt to connect to who? what? To self-publish anything and not have to go through the judgement and opinions of others was mind-blowing for this baby-boomer! I really learned a lot and education is never wasted.
As I repost this I remember that the chart for this post shows the moon at 26 Gemini which seems fitting with the nature of this post.
May all beings practice right speech.