Last updated on May 20, 2014
The I-Ching is an amazing tool if you work with it over a long period of time……like decades. You really can hear the ‘voice’ of the Sage. It’s quite amazing.
Today, I drew hexagram #33. “Conditions are not in your favor at this time”. Hmmmm. Do I dare to read on?
I had a few changing lines……..thanks (?) to all that is………… lines #3,4,5 are all changing from the yang to the yin. Whew! No wonder I’m feeling exhausted without having accomplished much.
Line 3 = ‘”You are prevented from leaving a situation which is not in your own best interests”.
…….yup, she squeaks.
Line 4 = “Make your retreat with courtesy and grace”.
Yes. I can do that.
Line 5 = “If you choose the right moment…………………………”
Astrology helps me here………… all the gods, goddesses, kings, queens, priests, shamans, & yogi’s all rolled up into ONE huge cosmic ball of goodness. Om shanti.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings live in peace no matter what.
Time to practice………..I love metta for times of strife & chaos.
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