Last updated on May 21, 2014
….around the cosmos these days. The recent new moon has jumpstarted the energy that was forecast by the recent equinox/full moon. This lunar month promises to keep things stirred up for a while.
Meanwhile, much further away than the moon, on April 4 Eris moved to 21AR01’58”, a mile-marker for this distant planetoid. The Sabian Symbol for this degree reads: THE GATE TO THE GARDEN OF ALL FULFILLED DESIRES. The keynote says: Abundance made possible by human together-ness and cooperation. Eris will remain in this degree until November, 2008…which, interestingly, coincides with the next shift of the Mayan Calendar, the beginning of Day Six.
Given all that I’ve been following with spinning planets, ancient calendars, and A New Earth birthing, it’s become increasingly important to continue with my yoga practice. How else can we possibly integrate all that is happening? Being Here and Now feels good and removes the stress of multiple possibilities in a changing world.
Early this morning I read Barbara Hand Clow’s New Moon horoscope which was the inspiration for this post. Below is a small part of her article (including the link so you can read all of it).
From the perspective of the Mayan Calendar and astrology, we are in the darkest days of Night Five, and I feel like I am seeing the probabilities very clearly. With this New Moon in Aries, we enter the most critical phase of the Galactic Underworld since it began in 1999-a phase I label “evolutionary bifurcation.” Using Chaos Theory (an advanced math system examining the way natural systems change and evolve), a bifurcation happens when an old evolutionary pattern is collapsing while a new wave is building. During great evolutionary shifts, mature species are no longer able to adapt to changing conditions, such as the extinction of the dinosaurs when placental mammals emerged 63 million years ago. With the breaking point-the bifurcation-evolution continues through new species while the old ones die off. This is always a very dangerous moment for any creature that wants to survive. As humans, if we are to survive, we must move to a more cosmic level and re-enter the universe. We need to consciously flow with the new wave while keeping ourselves free from the collapsing systems.
When you look at all of the astrological aspects within the context of the Mayan Calendar it all makes perfect sense. I am reminded of the Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.”
It’s getting very interesting.
On a personal note, I’ve entered the balsamic phase of my personal lunar cycle. Phew. Resting will feel good today.
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