If you’re coming around to 30, 60 or 90 years of age (rounding the numbers off to prioritize ‘concept’), you’re probably approaching a time period that astrologer’s call the Saturn Return.
Volumes have been written about the Saturn Return and I encourage you to Google the term and start reading. However, be prepared. You may not like what you read. Saturn has a reputation of bringing us face to face with cold, hard reality.
If you stay with it though, there are some very substantial rewards to be gained, and they’re always worth whatever efforts you make. We can talk more about the essential meaning of the planet later. Remember, these are years when critical decisions are being made……consciously and/or unconsciously. Take your time. Move slow. Demonstrate Patience.
The 3 year period of time that precedes the return, beginning somewhere around the ages 27, 57, or 87 approximate is also a part of the cycle that deserves attention. The balsamic phase of the Saturn cycle lasts a whole lot longer than the balsamic phase of the moon. The balsamic phase of the moon is ~3 days compared to the 3+years of Saturn’s balsamic phase.
If you are currently moving thru the balsamic phase of Saturn then it’s time to do some serious clutter-cleaning. Prepare by creating some ’empty space’ for Saturn to fill.
Clutter shows up everywhere. We get cluttered physically, mentally emotionally, and every other way that you can imagine. This is the time to recognize the places in your life where you are: stuck, limited, over-responsible, under responsible, too serious, not serious enough. Re-define your relationship to time and re-set your personal biological clock.
(You can read about the balsamic phase of a cycle here to better understand the mood of these 3 years. You might also find some practical suggestions of appropriate actions to take during this time. Up until now we’ve been applying these phase definitions to the lunar cycle. However, in actuality we can apply these phases to any repeating cycle.)
Among other things the Saturn cycle describes our relationship to time.
That’s Huge!
How we measure & prioritize our time, both as a culture & as individually, defines us as surely as anything else on this planet.
How we behave towards ourselves and each other is often a response to the often ignored subtle details of time *management*. Check it out yourself.
The position of Saturn in your chart establishes the beginning of your ‘life pattern’ that will unfold over the next 28-30 years, and then repeat itself one or two more times before you pass on giving you specified times for growth and development. Learning to tell time by cycles and phases can be much less stressful than telling time by years, clocks & calendars.
The Vedic Astrologers have their own rendition of a Saturn Cycle. They call it Sade Sati and it comes at a completely different period of time than the western Saturn return. The jyotishi’s measure this period in the chart when transiting saturn begins to move into the sign that precedes the natal moon sign. So, for instance, if your natal vedic moon is in Cancer , Sade Sati begins when transiting Saturn moves into Gemini and stays in effect until it gets to Leo. Hrmpf. That’s a really long time. I know. I just completed it and Saturn has truly ruled the roost in my world. Unfortunately for me, I now at the opening act of my western Saturn return. I guess I still have a lot of time management to learn.
What I love about the philosophy inherent in vedic astrology is that it prescribes remedies. The ancient schools prescribed mantra, ritual, chanting, gemstones, herbs, and yogic practices. The intention was to make peace with the planets (gods & goddesses). In this way we could minimize negative events and engage in activities that bring joy & pleasure.
Stay tuned for more on this topic.
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