The Pluto Line…..oh dear

And, it runs right thru Southern California on my astro-cartography map. AstroCartography is an astrological technique by which we re-draw the ‘map of the heavens’ and place it on Planet Earth. Mathematically, we are transforming time into space…..or rather, integrating them…..together.

I became fascinated by this technique from Jim Lewis way back in the ’80’s. I took a weekend workshop where Jim taught the attending astrologers how to work with his maps and It blew me away! I’ve been playing around with this technique ever since and I’ve come to respect it as much as the more traditional ways to use astrology. When combined with feng shui, astro-cartography becomes a powerful methodology for positive action. Go here to read a post on a related topic. 

I don’t have any major lines running thru my current hometown location. I have two paran lines that I cross over if I drive a couple hours south. Other than that, not much going on here for me in NJ.

However, as you can see by looking at this map the line representing Pluto goes right thru Long Beach, California where I am going to be spending a month, soon. Oh dear! For this Scorpio Sun, it’s a mixed blessing for sure. No doubt it’ll be a life-changing (transformational) trip.

 Pluto Line

The horizontal (paran) line that crosses it near Long Beach represents Mercury/Jupiter. Aaaaah. That feels better…..especially since I will be spending a good deal of time writing while I’m out there. For one who earns her living teaching, this location could be quite a ‘page-turner’! 🙂

Transiting Pluto is moving thru my 6th house these days and coming into orb of my Moon/Uranus opp. Venus aspect. It’s the tightest aspect in my chart and hasn’t had a major aspect from Pluto in a long time. Something is getting ready to happen for sure.

So, what to do?

Following my own advice the first thing is to notice….thoughts, feelings, attitudes, expectations, prejudices, all the ‘knee-jerk’, unconscious responses to this information. I confess to a little fear, but also anticipation and excitement too.

For now, I think the task is simply to get comfortable with not-knowing anything (for certain) and stay open to possibilities.

Hmmm. Sounds like a plan.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi. dorothy

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