The Last Hurrah?

Last updated on September 29, 2016

rwbdoodleifcAll three top presidential candidates have Pluto in Leo at their birth.

Between 1937 & 1956  Pluto moved thru Leo and the “Baby Boomers” were born.   Astrologically speaking, all those born during the same Pluto placement have the same evolutionary/generational challenge: to transform, revolutionize, and bring to a higher level all the issues of what the sign, LEO,  represents.  Being the largest population group for a long time, we’ve made some fundamental changes in our society, beginning in the 60’s.  But the balance of power is changing now and the Millennial population is beginning to en mass as per their particular Pluto placement.  More on them another time.

Pluto represents transformation,  guaranteeing that something gets birthed, something dies, and something is reborn.  That is the essence of what transformation is.    It takes about 20 years for Pluto to move thru a single zodiac sign, 248 years to make one orbit around the sun.  Each human generation is measured by the movement of Pluto thru the  zodiac.  Each zodiac sign symbolizes a whole different  life-lesson or soul’s purpose for those born during this time.   It all gets clearer as you age. Wisdom has its own rewards.   The stress points (hard angles) are particularly revealing.

Leo, is possibly, the most self-absorbed sign of the entire zodiac, most especially about aging, and those boomers are the seniors now.    The youth driven culture that we initiated in the 60’s is now poised to take over the governance of our nation, again as evidenced by the majority of this years presidential nominee’s.

Part of a boomers charm is the ability to remain the eternal child,  the puer aeternus. and that about says it all.  We are the kids who just want to have fun.  It’s a natural response to our Pluto in Cancer parents.  Leo is all about ego and prioritizing ‘self’ over group.  Pluto in Virgos & Libra are our kids. And, Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius are our grandkids.   But I digress.


USAMundane astrology is the study of world events, rather than people.  I don’t spend much time with event charts, but there is a lot you can glean from them.  This chart here is the birthchart of the USA.  There is some disagreement among the astrologers as to exact time of birth and other charts have been put forth and argued for.  I choose to use this one.

I bring it up because it’s important to note, even before this election cycle began, that Pluto has been making some serious aspects to the chart of our country.  There’s no denying the fact that we are in the process of re-birthing our nation.  It’s very serious and we need to understand that regardless of how the media (transformed when Pluto traveled thru Sag from 1995-2009), portrays the news and the candidates.    Once again I refer you to the mundane astrologers who have analyzed this better than me.

That said, the candidates are, as usual, perfectly suited to represent the times we are living in.   Bernie & Hillary actually have a lot in common and seem to be quite compatible in many ways.  Jupiter is at the midheaven for both of them and that bodes well.  Donald, on the other hand, well, it’s frightening to consider.  Seriously.

Anyway, that’s enough for now.  Look at the charts for yourself.  It’s a good way to begin studying astrology….watching famous people be who they are.

If you want more of my humble opinion you can sign up for my newsletter on a widget over there on the right.    The Salon for Astrological Discourse will be returning later this summer.

Charts here.

2016 Presidential Candidates
2016 Presidential Candidates







….more later


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