Tag: <span>wounded healer</span>

  Chiron enters Aries. This is a big deal.   The asteroid named Chiron was discovered in the mid-seventies and I believe he was in Aries at that same time.  Some   senior astrologers out there might remember quite well what was happening during that time.  It was similar to now in ways we are about to find out as Chiron returned to Aries on Feb 19.   A Chiron Return…

Astrology Holistic Health Yoga Therapy

Our ephemeris tells us that she’s currently orbiting the sector of the zodiac labeled: 20 degrees of Aquarius. On Aug. 3, 2008, two days after the August 1 Solar Eclipse at 9 Leo, Chiron retrogrades back to the 19th degree of Aquarius.  (Chiron figures into this Eclipse in a pretty big way….as does Neptune and the North Node.) Let’s look at the Sabian Symbol for these specific degrees and get…

Astrology Planets and their Cycles Yoga Yoga Therapy

As we run around our lives finding a corner for this, and a corner for that, in feng-shui-speak ……..it’s good to remember to dedicate a space to Chiron, the wounded healer. He’s been quite a teacher to me, and for that I send him Metta. So, pull out your astrocartography map and find Chiron’s line and where it’s pointing. Chiron is in constant companionship with Neptune and the North Node…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Feng Shui Yoga Therapy

One fascinating way to understand the essence of something (like Chiron) is to look at the etymology of the word. Chiron comes from the root syllable, chiro which relates to the hand. Thus, chiromancy (palmistry), chirography (penmanship/calligraphy), chironomid (one who makes gestures with his hands), and of course the chiropractor who adjusts our nervous system by manipulating our spine. Chiron is the original ‘alternative’ genius. Here are more keywords that…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology consciousness Yoga Therapy

The asteroid Chiron is named after a mythological centaur (horse/man) who became a great healer/teacher. In astrological mythology, Chiron is the Wounded Healer and has many talents. One story tells how he became immortal and lived a life of suffering after a fatal(?) wound from a poisoned arrow. In the attempt to heal himself,  Chiron learned the magic of herbs, gems, astrology, and  other ancient healing techniques. In our natal…

Astrology consciousness Holistic Health Karma Planets and their Cycles Yoga yoga nidra Yoga Therapy