Tag: <span>travel</span>

I’ve returned to my homebase recently after spending a lunar cycle on the West Coast. My Pluto line ran right through the locality I spent most of the time in.

For the last 3 days of my trip I was able to travel to a Sun/Jupiter paran to experience some relief from those intensive Pluto vibrations.

Understanding your personal Astro-Cartography can be very helpful when traveling. My preparations were successful and effective.

My plane landed at the same time as another one in the area was crashing into a nearby river….give or take a few hours…. both of us were flying under Mercury Retrograde with saturn/moon conjunction forming. Good Fortune was present for All. Ommmmm.

How blessed I am to have this retrograde period. It will give me time to process my journey and convert all that I learned into my teaching for this new DAY

Mercury Retrograde periods can be very productive times for cleaning up the lose ends of projects that are not yet complete. This particular Mercury Retrograde period began at 8 Aquarius. If you have planets in Aquarius you need to do a little more research than this blog. But, for now here’s some input from An Astrological Mandala, a book on the Sabian Symbols by Dane Rudyhar, a master for sure.

recommended reading...
A great resource for Sabian Symbols.


…..a time to consider the “fixed symbols upon which a culture is based, with mental archetypes.

…a stage of vision

….new forms are revealed to the consciousness “

Wow. That seems pretty interesting me considering the state of world affairs these days.

Oh well. More coming as soon as I re-acclimate to the local time/space conditions of the East Coast.

May all beings be peaceful.

Astrology Blogging consciousness journal entry philosophy Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga