Tag: <span>synodic cycle</span>

The name Chiron comes from the word chiros.    Astrologically, Chiron represents our essential wound and provides much information on how/when to heal from it.  The erratic orbit of the asteroid symbolizes weaving together the traditional and the alternative to create hybrid paths towards healing what hurts us.  The glyph, which looks like a key, symbolizes what becomes possible when we unlock/unblock our internal/unconscious wounds.  Additional keywords for Chiron are here.

Chiron entered Aries early this year and will remain until April, 2027 when he collapses into Taurus.   The last time Chiron was in Aries was 1970 but that was before it’s discovery, which means that, this current transit in Aries will be the first time we are experiencing it ‘consciously’.   In Aries, it’s all out front, nothing much is hidden.  Chiron here will be interesting.

Mars moves fast compared to Chiron.  Every 2 years Mars comes back to the same place.  Mars entered Aries at the end of June, 2020.  He’s getting more and more comfortable “acting out” as only Ruler Mars in Aries can.  Last week, Mars moved into a conjunction with Chiron. Every 2 years or so Mars and Chiron meet like this.  It’s no big deal, necessarily.  But, since 2012 those conjunctions have all been in Pisces.  This cycle is the first of 4 conjunctions in Aries, ruled by Mars.

I’m already exhausted.

In the early phases of a new (synodic) cycle, it’s best to observe and notice what is going on.  That’s a lot to do right there.  Noticing.  There is much that gets past our wandering minds/bodies.

The Salon for Astrological Discourse meets again Friday, July 31 at 4pm.  We’ll be discussing this cycle and it’s impact on current events.  Go here if you want to join us.

Astrology Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga Therapy