Tag: <span>saturn</span>

So, we’re in the middle of two eclipses and five planets are retrograde.  You don’t really need to know much about astrology to get a sense of the epic time cycle we’re living in.    It really doesn’t matter where you look there’s change, upheaval, and fluctuating conditions mostly everywhere.  You can try to block it out using whatever methods/medicine/magic you have at your disposal.  But relief is temporary.  There really…

Asbury Park Astrology Blogging Holistic Health Yoga Yoga Therapy

Last Saturday I logged onto a webinar offered by Kepler College of Astrological Arts & Sciences.  A panel of five mundane astrologers discussed politics, race relations, the economy, and other various hot topics. They posted the charts they used online which made it quite easy to  follow the discussions. It was fascinating to see the variety of techniques and charts they used.  As always, the astrology of current events leads…

Astrology Doodles Planets and their Cycles Time Management

She’s holding at 23 Aries and retrograde. The Sabian Symbol is: A PREGNANT WOMAN IN LIGHT SUMMER’S DRESS with the Keynote word as “Fecundity”  Dane Rudyhar goes on to write about this degree. “This is the third stage of the fifth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases,  It combines the two preceding ones and suggests INNER FULFILLMENT.”   hRMpf!  Not with Saturn there, that’s for sure! It’s been a rough time…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology philosophy

If you have any planets or points located in the early degrees of a Cardinal sign then I’d like to hear from you.  Your  lives are as eventful as mine these days……or soon to be so. Cardinal energy/signs really like to make plans and do stuff.  Action is key. There are 4 Cardinal signs in the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.  Together they form the axis of an astrology chart-…

Astrology Holistic Health Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga

Cycles of Becoming, The Planetary Pattern of Growth by Alexander Ruperti is probably one of the best books I’ve ever read on the study of cycles, phases , and patterns. Here’s what he writes for age 56-63. Phase 9.  Possibility of 3rd birth in the Uranian cycle. Demonstration of the capacity to focus the spiritual quality of being inherent at birth, through the personality.  New spiritual activities or, negatively, further…

Astrology Dharma Holistic Health Planets and their Cycles Saturn Time Management

Moon conjuncts Saturn today. Responsibilities Rule.

lunar phases Saturn

Today’s astrological transits show the moon moving thru the sign of Sagittarius with Venus squaring both Mars (2:07pm EDT) and Jupiter (9:36pm EDT). A fiery Sag moon does not bode well for practicing patience. I don’t think today will be The Day. Patience is a Saturnian experience and the fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo & Aquarius probably have more of a natural affinity to remaining calm, stable, and unmoving……other…

Blogging journal entry My photos Saturn Time Management

CHIROS: Time has usually been considered (‘with the stars’) the realm of the planet Saturn, but in actuality, Saturn only rules one type of time–chronological time. [duration]. Chiros (Kairos) represents time that is outside that realm–time that obeys an entirely different set of laws [if it does, indeed, obey any law al all]. Chiros has even been called, ‘timeless time’. Many people have been able to enter this type of…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Meditation

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2007 October 23 Crescent Saturn Explanation: Saturn never shows a crescent phase — from Earth. But when viewed from beyond, the majestic giant planet can show an unfamiliar diminutive sliver. This image of crescent Saturn in natural color was…
