Dear Ones,
It’s a really special day today. Two wonderful moments happen with hours of each other, the Winter Solstice sun/moon/earth alignment and coincidentally, a New Moon. Both events herald an auspicious time on their own. And, then, when you add in the recent 6th of the 7 squares, and say goodbye to saturn in scorpio it can get a little overwhelming….and, since Jupiter does things big, in a friendly fire sign like Leo he is jovial beyond the point of tolerance some times, you know?…………anyway, I AM rambling here…..mostly because Neptune continues to provide these lovely “rose-tinted glasses”.!
I know that most of you don’t really understand what I just wrote…..but perhaps many of you do? Astrology, whether or not you “believe” in it or not, is still a wonderful Language to learn. It is genderless, colorless, lacks a political point of view, and has no bias, opinion, or judgement in it’s dialogue. It is us, in our own minds/hearts that makes it “good” or “bad”. Enuf said. Learn a new language for the New Moon.
Anyway, it’s a busy day for me and now it’s time to prepare for storytelling and sadhana……
I hope to check back here to further inform you about these charts.
…much love, om shanti…..