Tag: <span>relaxation</span>

It’s time for another Yoga Nidra experience.  Who knows what will happen this time?  Surely, not I.  Nevertheless, it’s important to continue the research. Scientific documentation seems to be important to a lot of people, as if that were the absolute truth of any matter.  Those on a yoga journey are learning (or rather unlearning) different perspectives. I’ve been teaching yoga and yoga therapy for a long time now and…

consciousness Yoga yoga nidra Yoga Therapy

lunar phases

On Sunday a Solar Eclipse will occur in the last degrees of Pisces. Solar Eclipses always occur at the time of a New Moon and usually fall within 2 weeks of a Lunar Eclipse. So much has been written across the net on this that I shall leave it to other astrologers to fill you in.

What I’d like to draw your attention to however, are these few days prior to the New Moon/Eclipse. The balsamic phase of the moon occurs just before a new moon and has it’s own indomitable reputation. That being said here’s an article I wrote a while ago on this lunar phase.

Astrology consciousness lunar phases Miscellaneous

Tonite I’ll be facilitating another Yoga Nidra experience. If you’ve never tried this yogic practice I highly recommend you find a local teacher and do it! It requires very little from you. Just lie down, breathe, and listen closely to what the teacher is saying. The practice falls under the heading of ‘pratyahara’ or sensory withdrawal and the benefits are amazing. Yoga Nidra means yogic sleep and it has had…

consciousness Yoga yoga nidra Yoga Therapy