Tag: <span>mercury retrograde</span>

Even those who know little about astrology have probably heard of the infamous “Mercury Retrograde”. Here’s a list of articles in the New York Times, of all places. It’s definitely true and accurate that during the 3-weeks (9 thru out the year) this planet appears to move backward,  an illusion explained better here, things go wonky here on earth.  Astrologers, such as myself, can accurately predict when and where in…

Astrology Meditation Time Management

I’ve returned to my homebase recently after spending a lunar cycle on the West Coast. My Pluto line ran right through the locality I spent most of the time in. For the last 3 days of my trip I was able to travel to a Sun/Jupiter paran to experience some relief from those intensive Pluto vibrations. Understanding your personal Astro-Cartography can be very helpful when traveling. My preparations were successful…

Astrology Blogging consciousness journal entry philosophy Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga