Tag: <span>lunar cycles</span>

The new moon at 10 Aries.  The Cardinal Square is aligning and the moon beginning today, will be  giving us a taste of what is to come.  So much change, so fast can be frightening and disorienting for many.  Others get  inspired by all the adrenalin that gets secreted during times like these.  There is no right/wrong way to respond to major change in your life.  There are simply too many variables with too many different context’s to judge.  For me, Ram Dass coined the best mantra for times like this when he wrote:  Be Here Now.  And yoga has taught me that Now, is only 1 breath long.

the ram

Between April 16 – April 25, 2014  some of the certified planets of our particular solar system will be coming into an alignment that the astrologer’s call a planetary picture.  Rather than get into the astronomy and physics of the upcoming alignment I’d prefer to write about how to manage our lives thru this unprecedented time in human history.  Yes.  It’s that big.  We talked about it on International Astrology Day.

The planets  involved in this configuration are:  Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and on April 20 the moon will join the group and act as a trigger.   The Sun moves thru the sensitive area beginning around March 30 – April 6, depending on what orb you like to work with.   And then there’s Eris, a little bit too far away to factor into this Cardinal Cross, but,  twenty-one degrees is not far away enough as she continues to inspire calamity & chaos whilst traveling thru Aries.  More on Eris another time.

It’s easy to see the cross configuration that’s setting up, and the fact that all the planets are in cardinal signs will make this into a dynamic period of time unlike anything we have seen before.  This particular alignment has never occurred before in human history.

more later…………..

may all beings live in peace

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Buddhism lunar phases