In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna lays out a plan for Arjuna which begins with the instruction to “find his dharma”, or true purpose. Later on he goes on to counsel that you are better off failing at your own dharma than succeeding at someone else’s. I’ve been fascinated by the concepts of karma and dharma since childhood. Back then these ideas were foreign, mysterious and somewhat ridiculed in the …
Tag: <span>karma</span>
“Your days pass like rainbows, like a flash of lightning, like a star at dawn. Your life is short. How can you quarrel?” ~Buddha INQUIRE WITHIN – Mysterious Blessings Yoga Teachings & Experiential Activities for Grief, Sadness, and Loss. Experience Renewed Peace, Serenity, and Comfort. Recently , one of my students died. Our relationship spanned 35+ years. She had been a witness to my life and a few of…
THE DEBT OF KARMA Yogi Amrit Desai Every soul is charged with an evolutionary mission To realize its inborn divine potential. Life is a perpetual therapeutic irritation. It provides a compelling force to drive us Toward the completion of our mission. When we deny a painful experience, It goes underground as a pending debt of unfinished karma. When you block pain, you may feel temporary relief, But your…
Beginning 11/23 – 11/30, 2010 the North Node of the Moon (Rahu in Jyotish) will be in a conjunction with Pluto at 4 degrees of Capricorn. (Pluto is not recognized in classical vedic astrology.) For those of you who are comfortable with the concept of reincarnation and the wheel of karma this time period is an important one. Karmic forces are in control. Not us. Period. Om shanti, peace. The…