Tag: <span>I-Ching</span>

In honor of this day, I threw the coins to receive a message from my oracle, the I Ching.  I have been consulting the “Sage” for many, many years and received amazing guidance and support from the various interpretations of the 64 hexagrams. My question today was simply, what do I need to know for this upcoming year of the rabbit. I received hexagram 61 with 9 in the second…

journal entry philosophy

The I-Ching is an amazing tool if you work with it over a long period of time……like decades. You really can hear the ‘voice’ of the Sage. It’s quite amazing. Today, I drew hexagram #33. “Conditions are not in your favor at this time”. Hmmmm. Do I dare to read on? I had a few changing lines……..thanks (?) to all that is………… lines #3,4,5 are all changing from the yang…

Ancient Wisdom journal entry Meditation