Tag: <span>goddess of chaos</span>

sunconjerisRemember Eris?  The goddess of chaos , strife, and rivalry.  It didn’t matter where she went.  It didn’t matter who started what, when, or whether she participated, or not.  Chaos.  Strife.  Everywhere. Outside the home.  Inside the home.  Outside in the world.  Everywhere.  Eris in Aries stirs things up.  She thrives on stress, emergencies, and high alert states.

If you were born between 1940 – 1949 then Uranus is moving into a conjunction with your natal Eris and that should make for some interesting and unexpected changes.  Let me know what happens!

This  all feels  potentially volatile  to me, and yet fraught with  exciting possibilities that have not quite yet been revealed.  There’s no knowing the outcome, we can only be present for the process.  The cycle of Uranus takes 84 years;  Eris – 557 years.

2012 continues to be a very significant year in so many ways.

The zodiac sign of Aries fires up the unpredictableness of all this chaotic strife.  Fire signs do that.  Heat things up.  And, with Aries it can get out of control really fast because innocent impulses are like that.  Fortunately, there’s enough water present in the current configurations to balance it out………..a bit.

Mars aspects gives us lots of ways it can all go.  Make your choices.  Stop the war.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.


Ancient Wisdom Astrology philosophy