Tag: <span>Feng Shui</span>

JULY 2007, KRIPALU CENTER FOR YOGA & HEALTH,   Lenox, MA I was sitting in the back left corner of the Main Hall where they stored the blankets and backjacks.  Its the spiritual-gua in ‘feng-shui-speak’,  and I was self-soothing with my harp, Angelina.  It was a safe spot where I knew I could recover from the day’s stress.   I had gotten reamed out by a 6’2” incredibly handsome Native American…

Can you see the nest?  It’s brand new!  The Feng Shui of it, is simply marvelous.  I am grateful.

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Blogging Feng Shui My photos philosophy

To me, feng shui is a perspective that we cultivate.  It’s a way to see life that is impersonal, intuitive, and timely.  For instance, My attention was just captured by a young man cleaning up his dog’s solid waste deposited on the concrete alley behind my apartment’s garage.  That would be the “root’s” area of the bagua. It’s an interesting mental exercise to see these seemingly random changes to our…

Blogging Feng Shui philosophy quotes

As I write this, Chiron is in active conjunction with the North Node at 18+ degrees of Aquarius.  As many of you know, I have been actively watching Chiron’s travels for a while.  For me, this conjunction with Rahu (the vedic term for: North Node of the Moon) is a good opportunity to sweep and de-clutter the path in preparation for the ‘new earth’.   Wherever Chiron goes, healing occurs………………………or not.…

Astrology consciousness Karma Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga