Tag: <span>Eris</span>

  “It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out:  it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.”  ~Robert W. Service Recently at our Salon for Astrological Discourse we discussed the mythological and astrological Eris, a dwarf planet discovered in 2005. It’s always worth the time to note the events that are going on (around the planet) at the time of astronomical discoveries.  There’s an inherent connection (as above, so…

Astrology Eris

The new moon at 10 Aries.  The Cardinal Square is aligning and the moon beginning today, will be  giving us a taste of what is to come.  So much change, so fast can be frightening and disorienting for many.  Others get  inspired by all the adrenalin that gets secreted during times like these.  There is no right/wrong way to respond to major change in your life.  There are simply too…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Buddhism lunar phases

She’s holding at 23 Aries and retrograde. The Sabian Symbol is: A PREGNANT WOMAN IN LIGHT SUMMER’S DRESS with the Keynote word as “Fecundity”  Dane Rudyhar goes on to write about this degree. “This is the third stage of the fifth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases,  It combines the two preceding ones and suggests INNER FULFILLMENT.”   hRMpf!  Not with Saturn there, that’s for sure! It’s been a rough time…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology philosophy

Remember Eris?  The goddess of chaos , strife, and rivalry.  It didn’t matter where she went.  It didn’t matter who started what, when, or whether she participated, or not.  Chaos.  Strife.  Everywhere. Outside the home.  Inside the home.  Outside in the world.  Everywhere.  Eris in Aries stirs things up.  She thrives on stress, emergencies, and high alert states. If you were born between 1940 – 1949 then Uranus is moving…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology philosophy

….around the cosmos these days. The recent new moon has jumpstarted the energy that was forecast by the recent equinox/full moon. This lunar month promises to keep things stirred up for a while. Meanwhile, much further away than the moon, on April 4 Eris moved to 21AR01’58”, a mile-marker for this distant planetoid. The Sabian Symbol for this degree reads: THE GATE TO THE GARDEN OF ALL FULFILLED DESIRES. The…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology lunar phases philosophy Time Management

In this post we find that Eris has shifted back into the energetic orb of 21 degrees of Aries. In this post we learned that the 21st degree of Aries corresponds to the Sabian Symbol : “A Pugilist Enters The Ring” Go here now……………….. The Universe works in some amazing ways. Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.

Astrology Eris

Re-ordering the Solar System Astronomers often disagree over what it is exactly that they’re seeing. Recently, we’ve watched them downgrade planets to dwarf planets, and discover new dwarf planets that share our Sun. It takes a long time for science to prove something. Astrologers are also cautious when faced with the task of interpreting the symbolism and metaphysical energy of a new orbiting body. What the astrologers do is to…

Astrology Planets and their Cycles