Tag: <span>dane rudyhar</span>

Whew. Well, it’s moved on now and no longer in the exact degree of eleven. Those of us who are sensitive to Pluto/Uranus can feel a slight sigh of relief. During the mid-60’s Uranus and Pluto were about to merge, conjoin and initiate a cycle of Radical Change & Transformation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The last conjunction was in 1850 in Aries. But that was before we even knew that Pluto existed.  The…

Astrology electro-magnetic energy

Our ephemeris tells us that she’s currently orbiting the sector of the zodiac labeled: 20 degrees of Aquarius. On Aug. 3, 2008, two days after the August 1 Solar Eclipse at 9 Leo, Chiron retrogrades back to the 19th degree of Aquarius.  (Chiron figures into this Eclipse in a pretty big way….as does Neptune and the North Node.) Let’s look at the Sabian Symbol for these specific degrees and get…

Astrology Planets and their Cycles Yoga Yoga Therapy

So, the last time we discussed Eris we were talking about strife, discord, and chaos; looking for where in our lives those circumstances are showing up. For me, Eris lands smack in the center of my tenth house which is also populated by an Aries North Node. Eris in the tenth seems to be showing up by placing me in circumstances where I must ‘publicly’ assert myself in ways that…

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