Tag: <span>compass school</span>

Next week I’ll be offering an all day workshop on Feng Shui and I’m really excited about getting back into this venue of ancient wisdom. There’s a lot of good stuff in the wisdom and practices from the Far East, and we could learn a lot.

Feng Shui goes back thousands of years and is closely aligned with the philosophical and spiritual traditions of it’s time. The earliest school of feng shui, the form school, contains the rituals and wisdom of the Tao. (see my previous post and click on the link at the bottom) Later on when the Compass School traditions came into favor, Confucious and his philosophy was the dominant spiritual path. Today, Buddhism is favored and as a result the Black Hat Sect of Feng Shui is the most popular form.

Do a google search of some of these terms and see what comes up. In the workshop we’ll be spending the morning exploring the Black Hat path. Then, in the afternoon we’ll look at the modern-day version of the Compass School which includes Local Space Astrology & Astro-Cartography.

Look for future posts on this popular and powerful subject.

In the meantime:


Clean out your Clutter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Feng Shui Miscellaneous