Tag: <span>chiron</span>

The name Chiron comes from the word chiros.    Astrologically, Chiron represents our essential wound and provides much information on how/when to heal from it.  The erratic orbit of the asteroid symbolizes weaving together the traditional and the alternative to create hybrid paths towards healing what hurts us.  The glyph, which looks like a key, symbolizes what becomes possible when we unlock/unblock our internal/unconscious wounds.  Additional keywords for Chiron are here.

Chiron entered Aries early this year and will remain until April, 2027 when he collapses into Taurus.   The last time Chiron was in Aries was 1970 but that was before it’s discovery, which means that, this current transit in Aries will be the first time we are experiencing it ‘consciously’.   In Aries, it’s all out front, nothing much is hidden.  Chiron here will be interesting.

Mars moves fast compared to Chiron.  Every 2 years Mars comes back to the same place.  Mars entered Aries at the end of June, 2020.  He’s getting more and more comfortable “acting out” as only Ruler Mars in Aries can.  Last week, Mars moved into a conjunction with Chiron. Every 2 years or so Mars and Chiron meet like this.  It’s no big deal, necessarily.  But, since 2012 those conjunctions have all been in Pisces.  This cycle is the first of 4 conjunctions in Aries, ruled by Mars.

I’m already exhausted.

In the early phases of a new (synodic) cycle, it’s best to observe and notice what is going on.  That’s a lot to do right there.  Noticing.  There is much that gets past our wandering minds/bodies.

The Salon for Astrological Discourse meets again Friday, July 31 at 4pm.  We’ll be discussing this cycle and it’s impact on current events.  Go here if you want to join us.

Astrology Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga Therapy

Most astrologers focus on time.  The questions that begin with ‘when’ are innumerable.  The ability to analyze the present moment, the past and the future using a natal horoscope  reveals larger patterns that would otherwise go unnoticed.

In 1986 -ish I attended a weekend workshop in CT taught by Jim Lewis, the pioneer of what is today called Astro*Carto*Graphy. (Where you were born holds equal weight with when you were born You are the intersection of time, place, and DNA)  This 3 day course was an amazing intellectual exercise with stimulating and provocative material.  I soaked it up.  But, unlike a natal (time) chart, the calculations necessary for a ACG map were impossible.  I would have to be satisfied with theory.  In 1989 astrological software became available. I immediately purchased a computer and the proprietary software that had just been released.

Theory could be tested now, first hand.  I calculated hundreds of maps & charts for myself, family, friends looking for the places on the planet that showed up in significant ways.  All  personal traveling became infused with curiosity. How would the planetary energies  manifest in different locations.    I’ve gathered up a few amazing stories over the years to illustrate my research.  On April 9, the Astrological Society of Princeton will host a lecture on Sunday and I look forward to sharing my research there.



This May I will bFloridaastromape spending 3 weeks, nearly a lunar cycle, on a ‘new’ line of my personal astromap,  the paran of Saturn and Chiron .  Looking around the globe I see that although I may have crossed this line a few times I ‘ve only crossed it and never spent much time there, not nearly enough to absorb/recognize the ‘energy/vibration/prana/chi’.   Obviously I am in for a new experience.

Saturn lines aren’t necessarily fun places to spend time.  Saturn’s influence is always serious, studious, and disciplined.  Saturn doesn’t do anything easy.  And, Saturn is slow.  If Saturn stood alone at this Florida location I may not have chosen to visit there.  But paran lines reflect a relationship between 2 planets, and in Salt Springs, FL and locales nearby, Saturn intersects with Chiron, and that combination is one I am cautiously curious to experience.

The nature of my visit there is Saturnian which bodes well for my stay at this newly established ashram with a world recognized Guru. I have volunteered for Seva there.  It’s location on this particular line seems quite fortuitous and prescient.  I’ll let you know more when I come back.


more to come


















AstroCartography Karma Saturn

Click on pic for Chiron article

The Salon for Astrological Discourse  will meet again this month.  Here’s the chart.…   You don’t have to be an accomplished astrologer to see the stellium in Pisces.  Soon, Mars and Venus will move into Aries and the energy will change, again, dramatically. But for now, Chiron sits between them, and I see an opportunity here.

Regardless of what side of the political, social, economic, educational, or religious fence you’re on, our differences continue to devolve down to the lowest common denominator which is our gender differences, and our differing definitions of what that means.   Are there still just 2 kinds of people in the world, as Barbra sang so many years ago in the song People?   Male?  Female?    In a book by Leonard Schlain he wrote about how our language and our social systems have all evolved around the basic theme of man vs woman, and we know that we are now witnessing the death throes of the Patriarchy…..  Anyway, Chiron between Mars/Venus reminds me of this ‘wound’ and depending on your particular state of consciousness, belief system, or recovery from damaging relationbships, one could actually use this time towards mending fences in whatever Piscean way suits you.

In the years running up to 2012, I was reading a lot regarding ancient calendars particularly the Mayan one.  It took some study and discussion with teachers before I felt I understood the metaphysics and astrological patterns that were driving this significant shift in our energy field and what all that meant.   I closely followed the transits of Chiron during that time and you can read some of those posts here, in reverse chronological order.  Today, in 2017, in hindsight, it’s easy to see how the symbolism has manifested in this new reality we all find ourselves living in.

Neptune  will remain in Pisces long after the others have moved on.  It’s way out there so each degree it moves into opens up new pathways, so to speak.  Today as I write this Neptune is nearly complete with the 11th degree, and according to the Sabian Symbols this degree represents:

MEN TRAVELING A NARROW PATH, SEEKING ILLUMINATION.  The keynote reads:  The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to to a transcendent realm of reality.  It refers to the eternal symbol of the Path of Discipleship.   the Path is always open to the pure in heart, the mentally aware, the conpueror of emotions and the spiritually self-mobilized.

Marc Edmund Jones, 10/1/1888 – 3/8/1980,  was the astrologer who ‘created’ the Sabian Symbols, and he taught that astrology “properly used” can help people see more clearly their own tendencies. Once seen, we can then apply our free will to adjust, modify, change, or ignore what has been seen. Our evolutionary engine depends on our ability to learn & grow in this fashion.

Anyway, it’s easy to see how our Salon can dig into some of this material and I look forward to hearing many voices.

…..more later.   Check out this winter’s  Inquire Within© intensive.  We’ll be delving into all this experientially, and more.


Astrology Planets and their Cycles


Tugging_at_your_harp_stringsWow!  Sunday was my first-ever storytelling performance with a harp, and the audience was delighted.  I recognized some serious applause and I was told later that everyone was talking about me, although, I don’t think it was really me they were talking about….it was really about the harp.  Once again  I forgot how utterly mesmerizing this instrument is to most people….and me too, of course.  For all the worry, anxiety, and practice….the music just flowed exactly the way it was supposed to.

Chiron teaching harp to Achilles

In the first person, I told the story of Chiron’s Birth and why he came to be living in a cave with his harp.

This centaur, known as The Wounded Healer, is a mythological story that has captured my attention for the past 20 years or so and I’m frequently referring to his symbolism in my lectures/workshops and yoga therapy classes.  He’s got a powerful story for our times, for sure.  So many of us  feel wounded, shamed, abandoned and just plain old sad.    I’ve blogged a bit about Chiron, the asteroid, and this post gives a pretty good overview of the astrological Chiron.   Today Chiron is traveling thru Pisces which supports healing thru music.

 This was the first time, in a long time, that rather than teach or facilitate,  I practiced Performance & (intentional) Drama.    I was totally unprepared for the sheer joy that I experienced after it was over and thruout the following day.  It was wonderful to find a new, creative outlet that brings together so much of what I love to do, and still challenges me in new ways.  But four minutes is nothing when your hands are on the strings, you know?

Already, I am planning Chapter 2, and expanding my story to maybe 10-15 minutes?  Who knows?  For now, Storytelling is a new hobby/activity for me and I am so excited to see where it takes me.

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Blogging Harp journal entry sound/music therapy StoryTelling The Jersey Shore

canstockphoto15147107 (2)abnormal behavior, addiction, aliases, alcohol, alcoholism, angels, artists, assassinations, betrayal, bliss charity, clairvoyance, confusion, conspiracies, deceit, degeneracy,delusion, disillusion, dissolving, disbursement, divinity, doubt, dreams, ecstasy, enchantment, escape, evasion, fairies, fantasy, fascination, fear, feet, fish, floods, fog, forebodings, forgery, fortune tellers, fountains gasoline, genius, glamor, grief,  habit-forming drugs, hallucinations, haze, heaven, hospitals, houseboats, hypnotism, hysteria, icebergs,illusion, illustrations, imagination, imitating, incognitos, infidelity, insanity, instability, intuitive intellect, intuition, jails, lavender (color), liquor, liquids, magic, melodies, melodramas, metaphysics, mind readers, misrepresentations, mobs, morphine, music, mysteries, mysticism, mythology, obscurity, omens, opiates, oracles, osmosis, persecution, petroleum, pharmacy, Pisces, pilots , pineal gland precipitation, predictions, pumps, rain, recovery,  retreats, retirement, rhythm, romance, scandal, seances, secrets, seduction, seers, sensationalism, servitude, slander, solitude, sorrows, spirituality, spiritual healing, suicides, swamps, toupees, trances, veils, visions, wine, witches, widows, worry, yogi, zealots, 12th house


Astrology Planets and their Cycles

chakraman2CASE STUDY

A typical yoga therapy session:

Female, 49 yrs. 5’5″, 180, thining dyed hair, round.  Although I do not have a birth-chart  to refer to, the fact that she is 49  is enough to remind me  which cycles usually dominate our life experiences during the years around 50.

Chiron’s cycle is approximately 50 years.  The wounded healer,  heals.

(Do a search for Chiron over there on the right side of this blog for more posts on Chiron.)

She arrived before me for our session and was eager and willing to fill out intake forms.

We spoke about the program and this session in particular. We agreed to follow the yamas & niyamas for our work together.

She describes herself as exhausted, and can feel some obstruction in the heart & throat area. She recently suffered from pneumonia and continues to be concerned about her health. She felt it was a wake-up call of some sort and wanted to pay closer attention.

She is frustrated with her current career. Although she loves being a teacher, she feels stuck in her current position. It feels like a long, hard struggle and she’s out of energy.

We discussed different yoga practices that can be of benefit to her if she chooses to commit to a ‘practice’ at all.

For the experiential part of our 1st session we spent time doing a seated body scan thru the kosha’s. Periodically, I would ask her to write/draw/record her awarenesses on some paper.

By the time we finished with the kosha’s she had experienced quite an ‘energetic’ shift inside and was quite amazed at what she had discovered. Most notable was that the entire left side of her body was numb when compared to the right. The imbalance was enlightening in and of itself to her in that moment.

We completed our session with savasana, pranayama and meditation.

During meditation, we explored Anjali Mudra in some detail paying attention to the sensations in each fingertip, it’s proximity to the heart chakra, its guiding the energy upward, etc.

I guided her back to the previously blocked throat area and encouraged her to chant om for a short while, and I noticed that each om sounded stronger than the one before it.

She felt like there was more work to be done, and seemed quite at peace and possibly enthusiastic about what might come next.

She left feeling well-balanced, energetic, and relaxed.

I could have taken an entirely different tactic with this women, and spent our time together working more on asana’s and that would have been okay, too. However, in my mind, asana’s and Chiron just don’t go together very well unless you have a committed client who will be returning often. At this point in time she was unable to commit to more than one session at a time. (I usually encourage everyone to commit to 6 sessions, however that can be a financial/economic burden in 2009.)

Chiron and Neptune are closely aligned these days (2009- 2011), so for those clients around 49 yrs of age, their particular crisis in this moment requires spiritual (neptune), healing (chiron).  As yoga therapists we must utilize our skills to activate and integrate the vijnanamayakosha & anandamayakoshas, as well as practices for the physical body.  We can only teach/share what we have learned for ourselves so please do not neglect these more subtle areas in your own training.  Learning a symbolic language such as astrology can help you develop buddhi, and increase your ability to trust the intuitive mind as much as the logical mind.  Yes?   Understanding health is only as good as  your understanding of how ‘all is one’.   Chiron and Neptune traveling together will bring up various types of health crisis for everyone until we get it, that our belief system is as important as vitamins, exercise, or anything else we do for health purposes.

Much of what happens during yoga therapy sessions happens on the subtle & causal layers of the body.  For many, yoga therapy is a safe, non-invasive, and gentle way to address deep-seated obstacles that prevent us from being fully human.

Om shanti.

Astrology Yoga Therapy

moons nodesAs I write this, Chiron is in active conjunction with the North Node at 18+ degrees of Aquarius.  As many of you know, I have been actively watching Chiron’s travels for a while.  For me, this conjunction with Rahu (the vedic term for: North Node of the Moon) is a good opportunity to sweep and de-clutter the path in preparation for the ‘new earth’.   Wherever Chiron goes, healing occurs………………………or not.

The north node is a place and not an object in the sky.  It is a symbolic moment in time/space that has no physical substance to it like the moon or mars.   Think of it as a line bi-secting the earth & moon ecliptics.

Many astrologers have decided that the nodal fields of activity are our relationships with other people, present day company and also past company as in both childhood and past lives.  Karmic experiences are highly likely for those with a belief system that supports this notion.  (In India where Vedic Astrology began, karma and past-lives are an integral part of their belief system.  Hindu’s Buddhists, and the followers of Guru’s all share a deep respect for the laws of karma and extend this respect to their honoring of all beings.)

Nodal contacts can bring new people into our lives for new relationships and/or create so much separation between us in existing relationships that we finally (?)break apart.  Because the north node always occurs with a south node it can be a little confusing to know which has more ‘juice’ at any moment. A gifted astrologer can really help here, seek one out.   The rule of thumb is that the NN will lead you towards future karma or dharma, whilst the SN reflects to you more of your past karma.  Since Now is the only moment that really counts the challenge is to balance the two energies and find common ground.  When a planet highlights a node, as is the case today, it makes it easier to find the particular relationships in your life which are operating on a karmic level, and which aren’t.  (ie.  the grocery clerk who winked today, or a phone call from an old friend)   Look around.

Aquarian energy will be the common denominator for awhile.  (The NN will remains in Aquarius for about 18 months and then it moves on to Capricorn.  It is about halfway into it’s cycle. )  Also note that the nodes revolve around planet earth in the opposite direction from the planets/asteroids.  Think of this conjunction like you would preview a ‘movie trailer’ with a release date of 2009 – 2010. (More on this to come.))

Some keywords for Aquarius are:  friendship, terrorists, eccentrics, genius, intuitive, future-oriented, difficulty with intimacy, objectivity, out-of-the-box, humanitarian.   One might wonder why the word terrorists is on that list and that’s a good question.  I will leave it for another day and I encourage you to meditate on it for the greater good of all beings.  Om shanti.


The 19th degree of the Sabian Symbols (always round up) says:

A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy.

The keynote reads:  the skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential fo carelessness of karmic “visitations”.

Oh!  I left a word off the keyword list above………Aquarius is also the sign of aliens and extra-terrestrials.  Hmmm.

Time for bed.

Links tomorrow if I have the time.

May all beings be peaceful.

Astrology consciousness Karma Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga


Our ephemeris tells us that she’s currently orbiting the sector of the zodiac labeled: 20 degrees of Aquarius.

On Aug. 3, 2008, two days after the August 1 Solar Eclipse at 9 Leo, Chiron retrogrades back to the 19th degree of Aquarius.  (Chiron figures into this Eclipse in a pretty big way….as does Neptune and the North Node.)

Let’s look at the Sabian Symbol for these specific degrees and get a *sense* of the meaning.   (Saturn currently moving through Virgo encourages us to be more *discriminating*.  Details & small print require increased attention.)

The following references are taken directly from Dane Rudyhar’s brilliant book AN ASTROLOGICAL MANDALA: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 symbolic phases.


The Keynote says: The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts.


The Keynote says:  “The skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic ‘visitations’.

She moves to the 18th degree on Aug 22 where we find:


The Keynote:  The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives.

On November 15 she goes stationary direct in the 22nd degree of Aquarius. A RUG IS PLACED ON THE FLOOR OF A NURSERY TO ALLOW CHILDREN TO PLAY IN COMFORT AND WARMTH.  The Keynote is: The warmth of understanding which comes to those who, early in life, are open to new possibilities.

Chiron is a major player these days and usually overlooked by many astrologers.  Her upcoming conjunction with Neptune has great potential for healing the wounds that bind us thru spiritual & alternative practices.  I’ve written some on Chiron in these posts for you to read.  I hope to write more soon.

Stumbling Thru Aquarius…….

Introducing Chiron…………

Chiron, Chiros, Kairos


For some excellent writing on Chiron go here.

Ah yes……..the time’s they are a changin……………..


Astrology Planets and their Cycles Yoga Yoga Therapy

As we run around our lives finding a corner for this, and a corner for that, in feng-shui-speak ……..it’s good to remember to dedicate a space to Chiron, the wounded healer. He’s been quite a teacher to me, and for that I send him Metta.

So, pull out your astrocartography map and find Chiron’s line and where it’s pointing.

Chiron is in constant companionship with Neptune and the North Node these days, moving ever closer to it’s highly anticipated conjunction with Neptune, a major event for sure.  For more information on this visit Dan’s site.….it’s quite informative.  I am planning a series of workshops at home and on the road to take advantage of these wonderful healing vibrations.  Join my email list (look over on the right for the link) or contact me here with a comment.

May all beings heal. May all beings feel love. May peace be with us always. Once you’ve located Chiron’s spot in your space, begin to take out ‘clutter’. (It’s good to have a conversation with a feng shui consultant to determine what is and what is not clutter.).

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Feng Shui Yoga Therapy

ClovertreesCHIROS: Time has usually been considered (‘with the stars’) the realm of the planet Saturn, but in actuality, Saturn only rules one type of time–chronological time. [duration]. Chiros (Kairos) represents time that is outside that realm–time that obeys an entirely different set of laws [if it does, indeed, obey any law al all]. Chiros has even been called, ‘timeless time’. Many people have been able to enter this type of time through deep meditation. Remember that Chiron’s orbit is, for the most part, beyond Saturn, and that will assist you in contemplating a time which is not ruled by the clock or the calendar.

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Meditation