Tag: <span>balsamic</span>

It’s been a while since I posted here.  A long while. As I’ve written in many different posts ( here, here & here) the balsamic phase of a cycle is a time when we turn away from worldly concerns ( 1st chakra ‘stuff’) and redirect our energy inward ( or upward) towards the spiritual/cosmic/ethereal,  either voluntarily…….or not. I have found that it’s best to just go with the flow of…

Astrology journal entry lunar phases Yoga Therapy

The moon returns to darkness once again. Perhaps you can see the slightest sliver of light remaining. Sigh. We’re tired. Something inside is calling for rest, retreat, and rejuvenation. The balsamic phase is the time when we need to honor that feeling, and honor ourselves for all the work and effort we have expended during the previous cycles. This phase of the moon beckons us to turn our attention inward,…

Astrology Holistic Health lunar phases Meditation philosophy Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga

Today & tomorrow all of us will be experiencing the balsamic phase of the moon ending on Wednesday at 3;27 EDT when the New Moon cycle at 26Taurus begins. It’s time to dive in again and clean out the internal clutter. A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet Wayne Muller who is an ordained minister, therapist and author of Sabbath, Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our…

Astrology Holistic Health lunar phases Meditation Time Management Yoga

“When one’s body revolts against work, fatigue soon sets in; then one must not rest for it would be a victory for the body. When the body desires to rest, don’t; when the mind knows it ought to rest, do so, but one must know and distinguish language of body and mind, and be honest.” G. I. Gurdjieff ps…..I’m still in the ‘balsamic phase’ of my lunar cycle……………..just popped ‘out’…

Ancient Wisdom consciousness philosophy

lunar phases

On Sunday a Solar Eclipse will occur in the last degrees of Pisces. Solar Eclipses always occur at the time of a New Moon and usually fall within 2 weeks of a Lunar Eclipse. So much has been written across the net on this that I shall leave it to other astrologers to fill you in.

What I’d like to draw your attention to however, are these few days prior to the New Moon/Eclipse. The balsamic phase of the moon occurs just before a new moon and has it’s own indomitable reputation. That being said here’s an article I wrote a while ago on this lunar phase.

Astrology consciousness lunar phases Miscellaneous