Tag: <span>Astrology</span>

Self Study, Svadaya in Sanskrit, is the 4th of the 5 Niyama’s of Patanjali’s 8-limbed Yoga.  It points us towards introspection as a way for self-development.  It recommends inquiry, awareness and self-reflection.  It challenges one to be present in each and every moment of breath, sensation, thought, emotion, and divine connection. My intention as facilitator is to integrate  various  yoga (therapy) practices with cosmic forces on order to create optimal…

Saturday, Nov 16   1pm-5pm Sunday, Nov 17  10am-1pm  Our workshops this weekend are designed to be taken together.   Sunday will complete Saturday’s inquiry.  That said, you are welcome to attend one or both.  During these half-day workshops a topic will be introduced (chosen according to the astrology of the moment) followed by discussion.  After that an experience or two will be offered as an opportunity to witness yourself…

The ancient definition of therapy was “one who ministers’ or heals. Yoga Therapy re-organizes an individual’s perspective to bring balance and attention to the whole by including the causal & subtle bodies in its methodology. The whole, however, also includes the cosmic environment as referenced in many of the yogic scriptures. Astrology is unparalleled as a tool for understanding cosmic forces. Using simple astrological techniques can help identify the most…

NOVEMBER 8-10,2024 HOLD THE DATE! INQUIRE WITHIN WEEKEND RETREAT! Details to follow. Here is where I’ll be posting all the information about our retreat.  You might want to bookmark the page. For now the minimum number of participants I need to use the space is 10.  Of course, there’s room for more, too. The location for this program has been a gathering place for Vedic knowledge for decades.  It’s a…

And an astronomer said, “Master, What of time?” And he answered: “You would measure time the measureless and the immeasurable. You would adjust your conduct and even direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons. Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch its flowing. Yet the timeless in you is aware of life’s timelessness, And knows that yesterday is…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Poetry

Dear Ones, It’s a really special day today.  Two wonderful moments happen with hours of each other, the Winter Solstice sun/moon/earth alignment and coincidentally, a New Moon.  Both events herald an auspicious time on their own.  And, then, when you add in the recent 6th of the 7 squares, and say goodbye to saturn in scorpio it  can get a little overwhelming….and, since Jupiter does things big, in a friendly…

Astrology Blogging Yoga Yoga Therapy

      I came across this old post and thought you should re-read it now that the Cardinal Cross is here. Waking up to ice on my windshield on April 15 is a stunning reminder that things are indeed changing. …more later

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Blogging lunar phases My photos The Jersey Shore

  Wow!  Sunday was my first-ever storytelling performance with a harp, and the audience was delighted.  I recognized some serious applause and I was told later that everyone was talking about me, although, I don’t think it was really me they were talking about….it was really about the harp.  Once again  I forgot how utterly mesmerizing this instrument is to most people….and me too, of course.  For all the worry,…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Blogging Harp journal entry sound/music therapy StoryTelling The Jersey Shore

I found this posting by Ingrid Naiman, one of my current, favorite teachers.  I can’t remember where I saw she posted this. My astrology teacher, Ivy Jacobson, was born with Sirius rising and when I was lecturing at a conference at the University of Adelaide, a group of us went wild as some of us for the first time saw how immensely bright this near neighbor appears Downunder . .…


Looking backwards can be a useful practice at times; especially when you’re pregnant. We’ve all had the experience of being gestated in a womb.  At least I hope so, still **.  Things are changing so fast now, so much more is possible with the advances (?) of science.  Things just don’t stay the same;  impermanence is the nature of all things. The environment of the womb is not isolated or…
