Tag: <span>astrocartography</span>

Can you see the nest?  It’s brand new!  The Feng Shui of it, is simply marvelous.  I am grateful.

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Blogging Feng Shui My photos philosophy

I’ve been teaching people the principles of feng shui for a long time and it’s sheer joy to see how many people have become conscious  of what they have previously been unconscious of. Lives have changed as a result of working with this ancient practice. Many, by now have learned a lot about the basics of feng shui. But, there’s always more to learn, you know? How do you know…

Ancient Wisdom Feng Shui

As we run around our lives finding a corner for this, and a corner for that, in feng-shui-speak ……..it’s good to remember to dedicate a space to Chiron, the wounded healer. He’s been quite a teacher to me, and for that I send him Metta. So, pull out your astrocartography map and find Chiron’s line and where it’s pointing. Chiron is in constant companionship with Neptune and the North Node…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Feng Shui Yoga Therapy

And, it runs right thru Southern California on my astro-cartography map. AstroCartography is an astrological technique by which we re-draw the ‘map of the heavens’ and place it on Planet Earth. Mathematically, we are transforming time into space…..or rather, integrating them…..together. I became fascinated by this technique from Jim Lewis way back in the ’80’s. I took a weekend workshop where Jim taught the attending astrologers how to work with…

Astrology Feng Shui journal entry Karma

Look at this map of the USA. It’s set for approximately 6pm, EST, 3/18/07. The vertical lines on the map represent the orbital path  of each planets as it crosses the earth.  You might want to think of the path as a line of “chi” energy. The horizonal lines that I’ve chosen to display, are called parans and represent the places where planetary lines cross each other. The theory here…

Astrology Feng Shui Miscellaneous