Tag: <span>asteroid</span>

chiron2.jpgThe asteroid Chiron is named after a mythological centaur (horse/man) who became a great healer/teacher. In astrological mythology, Chiron is the Wounded Healer and has many talents. One story tells how he became immortal and lived a life of suffering after a fatal(?) wound from a poisoned arrow. In the attempt to heal himself,  Chiron learned the magic of herbs, gems, astrology, and  other ancient healing techniques.

In our natal horoscopes, the placement of Chiron describes the circumstances of our unhealed wounds, the ones that require an integrated approach to understand. These are the wounds that are invisible to the world and sometimes even invisible to ourselves.The emotions of shame and humiliation will give you a clue as to where these wounds are located. By the time we reach our early 50’s we have had numerous opportunities to confront these wounds and perhaps we were successful in transforming this lead into gold. Also around the age of 50, the asteroid Chiron returns to the same place he was in when you were born….a Chiron Return in the astrological language. This might be considered a ‘last chance’ for healing in this lifetime the wound that binds you. It’s also a time (after 50) to share your knowledge with others and become the teacher/counselor/healer who helps others with wounds similar to your own, just as Chiron did in mythology.

The Heirophant

The success of the 12-step format is one example of how wounded healers have helped others create happy lives from painful pasts. The Wounded Healer contributes to the whole in ways that can’t be measured.We all have Chiron somewhere in our psyche. It is an archetype that the whole human race feels. The location of Chiron in your personal astrological birthmap can shed some light on the wound that follows you everywhere and has the potential to become your greatest strength. Consult your astrologer/yoga teacher for guidance on this topic.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.

Astrology consciousness Holistic Health Karma Planets and their Cycles Yoga yoga nidra Yoga Therapy