Start now……and

  • Pay particular attention to the view from:  the front door, the bed, the stove the desk. Make sure you can see whoever would enter the room.
  • Eliminate clutter.  Clutter causes Chi to get stuck.
  • If your electrical cords are tangled, your life is tangled.
  • Water equals money.  If money is a concern, leaks are a priority.  Fix leaks, dripping faucets, keep toilet lids down!
  • Fix squeaks and doors that won’t open and close easily.
  • Many people group their collections together.  If you scatter your collection the effect multiplies and amplifies the positive energy.  It sends chi flying all over the place!
  • Bells and chimes on the inside of exterior doors create magic in a home with children.
  • Western windows draw energy out.  Use small refracting crystals to transform the energy.
  • Do not place mirrors so that you can see yourself while lying down on the bed. Do not use mirrors which are leaded, paned, or in panels.
  • Keep unused electrical outlets covered. Remove computers & televisions from the bedroom.

The order in which you attend to these tasks does not matter.

The sum-total of it might seem overwheming and complicated.

Your presence is required.

More later.