“Meet this world with neither grasping nor fear. Trust the unfolding of life and you will attain true serenity.”
~Bhagavad Gita
Another way to think about Yoga is as a neurological cleansing where the effects of past actions are released, not on the basis of meaning, but neurologically dissolved from the inside by the pure bliss consciousness inherent within us. We do this in meditation and yoga nidra. This is not a matter of belief or analysis. It is a mechanical process. It will work for anyone who does the practices, skeptics & atheists alike.
Gurudev Amrit Desai, founder of Kripalu Yoga & Amrit Yoga Institute, says, “Every time you withdraw from your reactions and move beyond your pre-programmed past there is the possibility for the resurrection of that part of you that lies beyond the ego.”
Western psychology likes to analyze, diagnose, and ‘fix’…ie psychoanalysis. Most of the time they stay on the level of the mind and rarely do anything other than talk. This is very helpful but not necessarily healing. IMHO Western psychology is like analyzing the waves coming up on the surface of the ocean. Whereas Yoga Nidra & Meditation especially, are like cleaning the ocean from the bottom up, at levels where analysis is not possible. Amrit explains obstructions as energy, and thinking is energy. Yoga deals with the root issues by going beyond the ‘energy’ to pure bliss consciousness. Meaning is a less fundamental form of neurological energy and it’s found near the surface of the mind. Meaning is the tail on the dog of thought energy. Using the tail to wag the dog is not very effective.
Of course, you don’t need to know any of this to experience the benefits……. Yoga Nidra at The Sanctuary – April 28, 1-4pm
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