Searching for Dharma…………….Part One

Last updated on November 17, 2019

Krishna’s Chariot

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna lays out a plan for Arjuna which begins with the instruction to “find his dharma”, or true purpose.

On the way to his dharma,  Arjuni , a highly skilled warrior, found himself on a battlefield , prepared for battle.   Facing him was an army of opponents including  family, friends, loved ones, and others that he cared for.  And, of course, the enemy.


Finding our true selves and/or our true purpose can be a life long pursuit or recognized in a flash of intuition. Both are challenging at best. Here’s the counseling that Krishna shared with Arjuna.

1. First, discover what your dharma (purpose) is.

2. Then, do it full out, hold nothing back. Give it your full attention.

3. Next, let go of the ‘fruits of the action’ or said another way, detach from the outcome.

4. And finally, dedicate your actions to the greater good of all beings.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.

ps. you might want to consult with an astrologer for more information on this topic.

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