Whew. Well, it’s moved on now and no longer in the exact degree of eleven. Those of us who are sensitive to Pluto/Uranus can feel a slight sigh of relief.
During the mid-60’s Uranus and Pluto were about to merge, conjoin and initiate a cycle of Radical Change & Transformation. The last conjunction was in 1850 in Aries. But that was before we even knew that Pluto existed. The 1960’s conjunction occurred in middle degrees of Virgo, and other things needed to change and transform. The cycle lasts approximately 138 years and the next conjunction is: Apr.24, 2104 in early Taurus which will display a different theme of Radical Change & Transformation.
One way to think about conjunctions is that they mark the beginnings of a cycle, and cycles begin ‘in the dark’. (ie. the new moon cannot be seen) The ‘dark’ symbolizes the state of being unconscious and can sometimes express itself with spontaneous and impulsive actions. But, not always. The events of the 60’s were just the ‘seedform’ of what will ultimately be seen in 2045 at the full phase of the current cycle.
Today, 2012-2015, the cycle reaches its 90 degree/first quarter aspect, a square. This is the “crisis-in-consciousness” point. I refer you to Buz Myers, Dane Rudyhar, Alexander Ruperti, Barbara Hand Clow. They were (and are still) some of my favorite teachers. Their writings and teachings on ‘the nature of a cycle’ are brilliant and resonate still today.
In 2221, Uranus and Pluto will be conjunct again…starting another new variation of Radical Change & Transformation. And again, in 2357. Radical Change & Transformation. You can mark your calendars. It’s that certain.
On May 24, 2013 Uranus and Pluto squared each other for the first of seven squares occurring between 2012-2015. At the very least, expect major events & global headlines.
Here are the dates for the other squares:
• June 24 2012
• September 19 2012
• November 1, 2013
• April 21, 2014
• December 15, 2014
• March 17, 2015
The current incarnation of astrologers are watching and documenting, and sharing what they see. And so am I. There’s much to learn.
Anything that involves Uranus and Pluto, involves me, personally.All the time. And, that fact has manifested in the timing of significant events in my life. Uranus and Pluto create incredible havoc when they’re together for everyone, and some of us get walloped personally, at the same time. We may become agents of Radical Change & Transformation. It’s hard to know how to prioritize things sometimes.
Anyway, this month in our ongoing series of Experiential Astrology & Yoga workshops, we’ll be working this current transit of Uranus & Pluto to decipher where in our lives is Radical Change & Transformation.
Prescription. Practice More Yoga. Meditate, Often.
Om Shanti, May All Beings Live in Peace.
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