Mercury Rx – My Thoughts Today…..

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Even those who know little about astrology have probably heard of the infamous “Mercury Retrograde”.

Here’s a list of articles in the New York Times, of all places.

It’s definitely true and accurate that during the 3-weeks (9 thru out the year) this planet appears to move backward,  an illusion explained better here, things go wonky here on earth.  Astrologers, such as myself, can accurately predict when and where in one’s life this retro-active period will manifest.  If you are a therapist (one who ministers), of any kind, you can help your clients/students/peers prepare and use if for the best possible outcome.  It’s not all bad. In fact it can be a very productive time for re-do’s.  Don’t judge it, is good advice.  Yoga Therapy provides good results as it teaches us how to stay centered amidst a swirling, confusing environment.

Symbolic Mercury (The Messenger) governs most things that require mental energy.  Thinking, writing, reading, speaking, listening and all the tools to do those things:  pens, pencils, sticks, computers, television….  Post Offices, Information Services, Libraries….all Mercurial places experience unexpected disruptions  during this time.  Yesterday, I was standing at a cash register with a human attending it when the card reader started spitting my card out with a nasty buzzing sound.  The human said, “It’s been doing that all day!”.  She’d never seen that happen before.  She wasn’t having a ‘good’ day.   We took a breath together, and I finally got out of the store.  Mercury retrograde shows up everywhere….if/when you know how/where to look.  Studying astrology trains the mind in ways that are really helpful.  It is believed by many that studying astrology prevents mental illness.  Mental illness and all kinds of mental states can also be investigated thru the placement of Mercury, natal & by transit.

Mercury is in Pisces for this first retrograde period in 2020.   Hah!!  Forget about study and logic with that placement.  Pisces is a poet, not an analyst. But, that doesn’t make Pisces wrong…..or right.  Their mental pathways towards decisions, choices, and impulses are different from the other zodiac signs.  Pisces represents the sum total of everything learned from all the other zodiac signs.  Pisces represents the “all”,  the collective unconscious, and it does so non-verbally thru spiritual experiences as well as addictive behaviors and other means of operation. Mercury here can be challenging for those who have no regard for intuition, psychic phenomena, spiritual practices, or artistic pursuits.  Institutions such as: prisons, hospitals, campuses, monasteries, ashrams, etc.  may also have a rough time with this retrograde period.   As for me I plan to work on some older, left behind watercolor paintings as well as my collection of creative non-fiction pieces.

As a college student I did a research project on intuition.  Where it comes from.  How to develop it.  Astrology guided me in understanding how intuition played a part in my life.  Yoga taught me how to recognize intuition from busy-mind thinking.  Meditation helps me find still-mind.

May this retrograde period bring peace and ease of mind.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.


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