It’s Storytime Again!

What fun!  Telling stories.  Together.  For an audience.  I’ve learned so much telling my tales.  It’s a process, like anything else.  The wanting, the picking and choosing, the endless editing, the voice, the gestures, the eye-contact or lack thereof, the embellishments, the applause, it’s all part of a storyteller’s craft.   Yes?

It’s summertime here at the Jersey Shore and it’s time to lighten up a bit and laugh.  I’m working on a story that was inspired by a trip to the Clinique counter at Macy’s.  As usual, you can spin a story in a gazillion ways, and according to writer Deena Metzger, the  “story is not what happened”.

Thus, it begs the question, what is a storyteller to do?  Tell the truth?  Embellish?  Misrepresent for the sake of a laugh?

So far, for me, it’s like doing a yoga pose.  First find the ease amidst the discomfort.  Then, notice thoughts & emotions as the words are put together.  Be aware of body sensations and breath during delivery and presentation.  Make adjustments where necessary.   Yup, The Yoga of Storytelling… much to explore here.

Have a nice day.   a-pinkdanceganeesh.gif

July 8, 7pm, Stories in the Park, Bradley Beach, NJ.   Go here for details.

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