Last updated on May 17, 2014
In this post I published an article I wrote on the Balsamic Phase of the Moon. As I write this, the moon is at 04GE which means that I am in the balsamic phase of my personal lunar cycle. The personal cycle is the one that the general public can’t see. It’s determined by the position of the moon at birth and my moon is at 04CA. The moon today is 30 degrees away from that place, ergo the balsamic phase.
The task here is to take care of my inner self and attend to my inner world. Most of the time I enjoy these days. Sometimes they are painful, frustrating, and downright boring. I’m not sure yet how this particular balsamic phase will play out.
My natal moon lives in the 12th house of my birthchart so that makes it even more imperative that I clean out the internal clutter of my life during this time. The difficulty is that you have to find where that clutter is before you can clean it out!
I’ve spent countless hours in meditation, journaling, consulting with those who are wise, and engaging in various solitary practices that force me to look at myself. Today, at 57 years of age, I can honestly say, I’m okay. Certainly, there have been, and continue to be some rough spots….that’s called life. However, there’s a lot more empty, clear space than there was a few decades ago and these balsamic phases have become restful, peaceful respites from the world.
So, it looks like it might be a very, nice spring day today. Perhaps a walk on the beach and some conversation with the seagulls.
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