Self Study, Svadaya in Sanskrit, is the 4th of the 5 Niyama’s of Patanjali’s 8-limbed Yoga. It points us towards introspection as a way for self-development. It recommends inquiry, awareness and self-reflection. It challenges one to be present in each and every moment of breath, sensation, thought, emotion, and divine connection. My intention as facilitator is to integrate various yoga (therapy) practices with cosmic forces on order to create optimal conditions for expanded self-awareness. Transformation, healing, or enlightenment are possible side effects. Read more here.
Our workshop this weekend will take place on Sunday. We’ll be alone and together online.
The chart at the left describes the astrological weather that will be in effect for all of us.
You can see that Neptune is at the top of the chart as we begin. By 4pm when we end Uranus will have moved up to the top. Leaving the details of the workshop up to these two guys is like opening up Pandora’s box and finding what you least expected… Lucky for us the moon is in a sweet trine with Venus and the sun. which means regardless of whatever the universe sends us we will still have a pleasant and fulfilling time together….especially if you’re fond of exploring the subtle realms.
The mutable signs are emphasized and so with that in mind please expect a variety of activities carefully sequenced to keep you engaged.
This Inquire Within workshop will give you an opportunity to do the kind of inner work that became the hallmark of Kripalu programming Participating from the confines of your home without the anonymity/distractions/challenges of the typical retreat experience will be an interesting experiment in svadaya. Please commit to sending in an evaluation form. I need to know what works and what doesn’t. Teaching on zoom has provided all of us with a huge learning curve.
Experiential portions of this program may include: Asana, pranayama, mudra, yoga nidra, meditation, art, journaling, expressive movement, storytelling. Hatha yoga and experience with astrology is not necessary. The practices will be gentle & challenging at the same time. Experiences and insights that stimulate the mind-body-spirit connection can be profoundly transformational. Inner space explorations of outer space can at times stir up the unconscious and help us to see places we don’t often visit consciously.
If you’re interested in attending the workshop on 2/21/2021 please register at Zoom here. Make sure you leave an email address for any last minute announcements. You will be contacted by email with details and how to prepare ahead of time. There is a sliding, suggested fee of $30 – $50 for this program. Payment can be made here.