
So, the last time we discussed Eris we were talking about strife, discord, and chaos; looking for where in our lives those circumstances are showing up.

For me, Eris lands smack in the center of my tenth house which is also populated by an Aries North Node.

Eris in the tenth seems to be showing up by placing me in circumstances where I must ‘publicly’ assert myself in ways that are habitually uncomfortable. Hmm, that deserves a portion of my meditation time.

Today had been March 31, 2007 and I can honestly say that there’s an awful lot of ‘strife’ in the world. My observations lead me to believe that the root cause is not Eris, or any other thing that is ‘outside’ of ourselves. Heal the strife within…..


April 9, 2007……thought I’d check in with Eris, the goddess of strife, discord, and struggles. Philip Sedgewick gives the astronomical position of Eris as 20AR46 as of April 2. When you have an orbiting planet/asteroid as far away as Eris is it helps to have some kind of reference/resource to help us understand. The Sabien Symbol for 21AR is ” A Pugilist Enters The Ring”. (I am refering to Dane Rudyhar’s book titled The Astrological Mandala) When Eris reaches 22AR, the forecast lightens up tremendously…..we then get to experience “the gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires.” Wow! Sounds special, doesn’t it? Let’s check back in and see when it’ll reach the twenty-second degree of Aries? …..April 30, 2007……enjoy it while it lasts because in Oct it develops retrograde motion and returns to the stance of the pugilist.

Webster defines the pugilist as: ___________________ (Fill in the blank)

Time passes slowly sometimes. Now it’s May 30, 2007 and Eris hasn’t budged. Continuing strife, discord and chaos……. and I can see the light, too.

Moving thru this kind of Eris energy for decades without end can be really, really, stressful.

May all beings be peaceful.


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