
If you have any planets or points located in the early degrees of a Cardinal sign then I’d like to hear from you.  Your  lives are as eventful as mine these days……or soon to be so.

Cardinal energy/signs really like to make plans and do stuff.  Action is key. There are 4 Cardinal signs in the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.  Together they form the axis of an astrology chart- the cross that puts everyone at angles and odds with each other and the world.

Naturally, each of these signs represents it’s ‘doing nature’ differently.  For instance, Aries does things First; that’s important for this fire sign.  It’s soul purpose is to demonstrate the pioneering spirit –  going and doing what hasn’t been done before. Thinking things through takes way too much time so they’re apt to be quite impulsive as they pioneer headfirst into the unknown.

Cancer is a busy sign, too.  Their ‘doing-nature’ is more directed, but none the less active!  Security is their goal and they spend a lot of time securing it.  Establishing a roof over their head is primary, and a tent will do as long as they can call it home.  However, there is another important thing that Cancer’s must do, and that is to feel their feelings.  Our current culture has not been supportive of this important action…..feeling feelings, and therefore a lot of Cancer energy has been delegated to the unconscious where it does it’s acting out surreptiously.

Action and Libra may not seem to go together at first sight.  Libra is Venus ruled and can often show up as sloth and indulgence.  This is not a pretty sight even though Libra always looks good.  Contradictions reign, even though Libra mediates.   Libra’s don’t do first.  They wait for someone else to do something and then they know what to do themselves, either follow along or go the other way.   They always do their doing nicely maintaining a good public image.

The king of doing-nature could be Capricorn, and that particular cardinal sign is currently experiencing active transformation.  Pluto, the planet that might or might not be a planet, is currently moving thru that sector of the tropical zodiac.  (Pluto is not recognized in the Vedic/Jyotish system).  Expect power struggles for a long, long time.

Who knows what will become of Capricorn’s doing-nature throughout this tranformational transit.  In the past this Saturn ruled sign has represented symbolized authority, structure, and management…..someone has to do it, you know?  Capricorn energy shows where and how we are the authors of our  or other people’s lives. It’s a no-frills kind of energy and the goal becomes the purpose and all actions and all doing is directed towards achievement.  Once achieved, another goal/purpose replaces the first one, and on and on it goes.  Capricorns do a lot.


We all have ‘doing-nature’, some of us obsessively.  But, as one of my favorite teachers has said so often, “we are human beings, not human doings”, and that explains a lot to me.

Pluto and Saturn together are stressing out a majority of people on the planet.  That’s a given.  These same astrological aspects are happening everywhere and to all of us.  There’s only one time zone to consider if you look at the life from the cosmic perspective.

Once you understand the cosmic perspective it becomes increasingly important to make life choices accordingly.  During cardinal times, such as these, important decisions and significant changes happen.  These events can be pleasant or unpleasant, either way the physical body responds the same during these stressful times.  Only your mind decides or rather, judges the difference. These human-being-bodies still respond with beating hearts, sweating palms, shortened breaths, and tensed muscles.

I recommend you practice yoga in the ancient ways to help your body/mind integrate all the powerful forces that are impacting our world.   It’s time for me to do that now.  My Moon/Venus/Uranus are all early cardinal.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.

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