Dear Journal……………

Last updated on May 17, 2014

lotus chart

Dear Journal,

We’re entering into another eclipse ‘season’. Oh my. On Saturday, March 3 there will be a lunar eclipse at 13Virgo which is the mid-point between my natal Mars & natal Saturn. It’s definitly a hot spot in my chart! I’ve learned that making absolute predictions doesn’t really work……it’s the essence & energy that’s important to understand.

Eclipse’s were feared in ancient times………they always seemed to bring about the death of the king or some other major change. Just imagine looking into the sky and seeing the moon (or the sun) disappear!

Eclipse’s always come in pairs so on March 18 we’ll have a Solar Eclipse at 28Pisces a much easier degree for me personally.

Breathing, relaxing, and practicing yoga is a good way to move thru stressful times. I’ll remember.

……………………………………to be continued.

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