
Last updated on February 25, 2017

img_1946  SUNDAY, OCT 9, 2016 

1:30 pm

East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Civic Center Drive. NJ

 I’ve attended the Harper’s Escape weekend intensive maybe 6 times, and now that I’ve finally gotten the ‘hang’ of it, it’s ending.  After 25 years Kathy, the director, and one of my most favorite teachers,  is retiring this event.  So sad.  But, I do understand.    The details above is for the final public concert that completes the weekend event.  I’ll be there and, it’s free.  Come!  It’s always a full house so get there early for a good seat, not that it matters.



harpdoodle-001Taking up the harp at 50 changed my life brain.  Switching from piano to harp as my primary musical instrument was a learning curve that proved frustrating, challenging, and incredibly rewarding.  More on that another time.  Suffice it to say, 8 fingers on 36 strings, re-wired my brain in ways only a yogi could understand….or a brain scientist.

Next year Kathy is taking a group to Ireland!  OMG.  For those who know me,  you know how much I want to go on that trip!aran-islands-inisheer-001  In August, 2002 my daughter and I traveled there and searched for all-things-harp for 2 weeks. We landed in Shannon and made our way to  Galway during  the big horse race event. We journeyed thru dense fog to Inisheer, one of the  Aran Islands.  We drove on the wrong right long straight road running from the west coast all the way to way to Dublin. The only harp I found was  in a glass case at Trinity Library and I wrote about it here. Of course there were images of harps on coins and beer cans everywhere, but, no harp music anywhere.  Still, the music we did find was damn good!  Money is tight right now so maybe I’ll crowdfund the trip?  If everyone I know/love could send me $5. I bet that might get me there!  I’ll be happy to entertain you all with my harp when I return.

Just kidding….



Anyway, Wally, a Camac Aziliz, (who I still want to swap/sell/trade  for a Fisher) needs some serious tuning after a hot, humid summer and weeks of neglect.  But, he’ll sing next weekend at the Harpers Escape for sure.


 Learning to play the harp, and developing a repetoire that suits me and my abilities has been so much fun.  It’s taken me to places both musical and geographical that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I am blessed.

Here’s a story I wrote about one such experience.  It happened in July, 2007.

Come to this concert….your heart will thank you. 

                                                                    May all beings feel love.  willaangelina-001


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