It’s been a while since I’ve blogged anything, but, I have been writing….
a lot.
Last December I took a 4-session workshop on Writing Memoir, and in January I began to audit a local college course on Creative Non-Fiction. It felt so good to have a pen in my hand again. I’d forgotten how the kinesthetic experience of scribbling words on paper could be so immensely satisfying., especially with the right pen. There is a certain pleasure from typing too, particularly the sound of the keys as they make contact. But, writing more by hand over the last 4 months has reactivated older neural pathways and lit them up with new creative impulses. Typing just doesn’t tap into the memories the way handwriting does.
In class we’ve been doing things like: free writing, writing from prompts and pictures and maps, and learning how to craft scenes, dialogue, and sensory information. All the assignments are to be drawn from our personal life…..aka: non-fiction. Although I had plenty of english and writing courses in school, this is the first course like this I’ve ever taken and just as I’d hoped it’s the genre that suits me most. Putting my stories on paper, breathing some life into the characters that inhabit my life, and then sharing the stories has been immensely humbling and satisfying. It feels more like therapy then entertainment.
Not sure yet how all this comes together, but I have faith that it will. My goal, if I were to have one, would be to assemble all these stories into a hard copy book. But in the meantime it shouldn’t hurt to publish a tale or two here online on my website? What do you think? Who’s reading this? That’s the amazing thing about the internet, you’re writing for who?
New Moon yesterday in Aries. We’re in an action oriented cycle right now, but speed has nothing to do with it. As Confucius says,
” It does not matter how slowly you go, So long as you do not stop.”
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