The name Chiron comes from the word chiros. Astrologically, Chiron represents our essential wound and provides much information on how/when to heal from it. The erratic orbit of the asteroid symbolizes weaving together the traditional and the alternative to create hybrid paths towards healing what hurts us. The glyph, which looks like a key, symbolizes what becomes possible when we unlock/unblock our internal/unconscious wounds. Additional keywords for Chiron are…
Category: <span>Time Management</span>
A long time ago I created the word timescaping….it’s a verb. I couldn’t find it anywhere else, and I researched it, so I’m ready to take ownership of this word, now. It describes the act of perceiving time as cyclical & multi-dimensional, not linear, which is how a majority of us see it. The word implies, by intention, that we can have an effect on time, just as time effects…
Even those who know little about astrology have probably heard of the infamous “Mercury Retrograde”. Here’s a list of articles in the New York Times, of all places. It’s definitely true and accurate that during the 3-weeks (9 thru out the year) this planet appears to move backward, an illusion explained better here, things go wonky here on earth. Astrologers, such as myself, can accurately predict when and where in…
Last Saturday I logged onto a webinar offered by Kepler College of Astrological Arts & Sciences. A panel of five mundane astrologers discussed politics, race relations, the economy, and other various hot topics. They posted the charts they used online which made it quite easy to follow the discussions. It was fascinating to see the variety of techniques and charts they used. As always, the astrology of current events leads…
Here’s the chart for the Monmouth County Shore Area….Long Branch, Asbury Park, Neptune, Belmar areas. It occurs at 10:12 am this morning. That means that we should all take advantage of the remaining hours left of the Balsamic Phase to rid ourselves of whatever toxic waste, (ama) we have collected since the last New Moon. Capishe? more later…… review the posts on Balsamic/New Beginnings & Endings. The search bar is…
Recently I read somewhere, that it takes 10, 000 hours of consistent & persistent study to achieve Mastery over the subject at hand. The author of these remarks meant it quite literally, and meant for us all to add up the hours spent in serious study, and practice. If you are fortunate enough to attend a school of formal learning, they will do the math for you and assign you…
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute: What you can do, or dream you can, begin it: Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Only engage and the mind grows heated; Begin and then the work will be completed. (Goethe) There are 13 lunar cycles to a calendar year of 12 months, 13 opportunities for new beginnings. The New Phase of the Moon initiates the waxing half…
Time is a horse that moves with seven rays, with a thousand eyes, undecaying, who projects a manifold seed. Him the seers mount, illumined in mind. His wheels are all the worlds. Time moves seven wheels. He has seven mouths, whose center is immortal and undecaying. He anoints himself with all these worlds. He moves as the first of the Gods. A full vessel is set in time. May we…
How we perceive the passage of time depends on how define the word time. Consider this. Scientists define time as something that is mathematical and linear, at least before quantum physics began to shake up that definition. When someone asked A. Einstein what is time, he replied, “what a clock reads.” Philosophers and spiritual seekers believe that time is subjective depending on the nature of our experience. Ram Dass writes, “time is the relationship between moments of consciousness”.
Biologists see time passing as a link between the rhythm of internal processes to the regular rhythms of the outside world such as mating seasons, and the cycle of growth/death of most vegetation. Corporate Executives and politicians see time as something to control as Golda Meir exclaimed, “I must govern the clock, not be governed by it. Everyone has their own way to relate to time.
Astrology views time as a cyclical experience rather than the linear view most others have.
The effects of time on the body has been well documented. Aging is easy to see. When we look closely, minute daily changes steadily progress to larger, physical changes. Small lines become deep wrinkles. Slight aches become crippling joints. Body postures once limber and upright, become hunched, rounded, and appear to carry tremendous weight on the back. All of this becomes visible over the course of time.
Although things like poor diet, lack of exercise, substance abuse, and ignorance can contribute to this apparent deterioration, time also plays a part. Our awareness of time passing becomes translated into the body. If we believe that we are supposed to age , deteriorate, and get sick as we get older, then that is exactly what will happen. In Japan, many insurance companies are paying out large sums of money to the widows of overworked business men. They call it hurry sickness or kashori and it shows up as sudden death in the workplace. Our perception of not enough time certainly adds to this modern day illness. And that’s exactly the point. It’s our perception of time that holds the key to releasing the stress we feel. Sometimes time goes very slowly, as if one minute or even a few seconds feels like years. Have you ever had a car accident? Perhaps spun out on the road in bad weather? The consciousness slows down and you can sometimes witness the loss of control of the car as if it were happening in slow motion. Other times, time passes very quickly. Vacations, weddings, happy occasions tend to ‘speed’ up time so that 1 week can fly by as if it were one hour.
The key to time management is to learn to recognize cycles, phases, and patterns rather than months, days and hours. To develop the ability to flow with the passing time rather than to fight the clock. There is a certain rhythm in the world that supercedes any manmade time telling device and this rhythm remains constant, stable, and secure and is not subject to the whims of man who we know makes mistakes.
If you have any planets or points located in the early degrees of a Cardinal sign then I’d like to hear from you. Your lives are as eventful as mine these days……or soon to be so. Cardinal energy/signs really like to make plans and do stuff. Action is key. There are 4 Cardinal signs in the zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Together they form the axis of an astrology chart-…