Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know. Close your mouth, block off your senses, blunt your sharpness, untie your knots, soften your glare, settle your dust. This is the primal identity. Be like the Tao. ~Tao-Te-Ching
Category: <span>philosophy</span>
Once again my own words fail me. Here are some from the Buddha. This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech. Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied. Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful,…
5 stars from me! a must see…. touched me in too many ways to count. Ah….the road(s) not traveled…….. Om shanti.
Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and look out at the stars. This practice should answer the question. The superior person settles her mind as the universe settles the stars in the sky. By connecting her mind with the subtle origin, she calms it. Once calmed, it naturally expands, and ultimately her mind becomes as vast and immeasurable as the night sky.…
Today, my own words fail me. Here are some from the Buddah This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech. Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied. Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful, Not proud and demanding…
I am so happy to be a part of this group. Please join us on April 12 for our annual birthday show. Click here for flyer. I’m still “in process” of cobbling my story together. The ‘working’ title is “Tales from the East”. The blurb I submitted reads: Personal challenges take on deeper meanings when viewed from different perspectives. This telling will weave together a personal tale with an ancient story…
Woke up to the news of the large-scale earthquaking in Chile. No doubt there will be many, more events to come right up until April 22 (at the very least). as the alignment of the planets reminds us just who is Boss. Now, sit for a few moments and watch where your mind goes after reading that. Then, take a long, slow, deep breath. Chant Om. (Go to a yoga…
Recently I read somewhere, that it takes 10, 000 hours of consistent & persistent study to achieve Mastery over the subject at hand. The author of these remarks meant it quite literally, and meant for us all to add up the hours spent in serious study, and practice. If you are fortunate enough to attend a school of formal learning, they will do the math for you and assign you…
Can you see the nest? It’s brand new! The Feng Shui of it, is simply marvelous. I am grateful.
Tomorrow is the first of a series of experiential workshops using the astrological natal chart as tool for self-inquiry and self-development. It’s been quite a ride for me personally, as I have chosen to follow the stars for most of my life. These days Uranus is conjunct my mid-heaven and moving in towards a conjunction with the NN. Neptune is conjunct SN natally. Obviously, things are changing. Unknown territory looms…