I’m now in my seventh decade of life here, this time around, and find myself still firmly rooted in the same vicinity of my birthplace, Neptune………… New Jersey, that is. The fact that planet Neptune is located near the nadir of my horoscope is a constant source of amusement. Synchronicity, you know?
During High School I was on the staff of The Megaphone, the APHS newspaper. At one time I was the official “typing editor”. Whatever. Hanging around with would be writers, editors, journalists, and graphic designers was a good fit for me, although I didn’t appreciate it at the time.
From the getgo I imagined this blog as an expression of the moment as filtered thru this brain with an attempt to connect to who? what? To self-publish anything and not have to go through the judgement and opinions of others was mind-blowing for this baby-boomer! I really learned a lot and education is never wasted.
As I repost this I remember that the chart for this post shows the moon at 26 Gemini which seems fitting with the nature of this post.
May all beings practice right speech.