Category: <span>Asbury Park</span>

I’m now in my seventh decade of life here, this time around, and find myself still firmly rooted in the same vicinity of my birthplace, Neptune………… New Jersey, that is. The fact that planet Neptune is located near the nadir of my horoscope is a constant source of amusement.  Synchronicity, you know?

During High School I was on the staff of The Megaphone, the APHS newspaper.  At one time I was the official “typing editor”.  Whatever.  Hanging around with would be writers, editors, journalists, and graphic designers was a good fit for me, although I didn’t appreciate it at the time.

From the getgo I imagined this blog as an expression of the moment as filtered thru this brain with an attempt to connect to who? what?  To self-publish anything and not have to go through the judgement and opinions of others was mind-blowing for this baby-boomer! I really learned a lot and education is never wasted.

As I repost this I remember that the chart for this post shows the moon at 26 Gemini which seems fitting with the nature of this post.

May all beings practice right speech.


Asbury Park Blogging Dharma My photos

So, we’re in the middle of two eclipses and five planets are retrograde.  You don’t really need to know much about astrology to get a sense of the epic time cycle we’re living in.    It really doesn’t matter where you look there’s change, upheaval, and fluctuating conditions mostly everywhere.  You can try to block it out using whatever methods/medicine/magic you have at your disposal.  But relief is temporary.  There really are some terrible things happening if we are to believe the images and words on our screens.  It’s important to check in with the people around you since many are feeling fragmented, confused and hopeless.   Anyway, it’s  an auspicious time to Inquire Within and the stars will guide us accordingly.  It might not read as a “fun, summertime activity” but, for those who understand how transmutation and transformation work, the opportunity provided to you from this upcoming program is priceless.


more later.

Asbury Park Astrology Blogging Holistic Health Yoga Yoga Therapy

Complete BlueGreen 8Fold acv

….and I’m still experiencing the joy of learning with every new pattern that I put together.  I’ve moved on now to what’s called stitching and weaving.  This pattern I focused on stitching.  I don’t have the energy right now to explain in words what that means artistically . .  Suffice it to say that I fell in love with the technique and choose to continue.  Here’s my latest, painted to celebrate grandson(s) and birthday’s.

I’m gonna start an absolute beginners yoga therapy class in June for 6-8 weeks, yoga….for the rest of us.

I sent an email newsletter to my list today.  Are you on it?  Do you want to be?  There’s a widget for easy signup onsite.

Asbury Park Blogging Doodles Geometric Art Yoga Therapy

May I devote my life to learning.

May my highest self shine forth

May I uplift my soul through meditation & prayer

May I join with others to share love & truth.


This Sunday we’ll be practicing Metta Meditation at The Sanctuary.   Metta, or loving-kindness is one of the heavenly abodes according to Buddhist thought.  It’s a particular state of mind, of being, that is imbued with peace, love, & harmony.  It feels good.  It feels great to practice it with others.  Lot’s of others.

The spiritual practices of the east are very comforting to me. Yoga relaxes the flesh and Meditation reorganizes the mind.  Once you’ve got flesh & mind calmed down life is good.  The difficulty is that something inevitably  changes, and  peace is disturbed. When a pebble lands in the pond, the mind  alerts and the body, due to the time and culture we live in, immediately goes into fight/flight/freeze.  There’s very little pause and reflect anymore, which of course is a YUGE problem everywhere.

When we meet for metta practice, we are acknowledging that some of our life’s challenges are other people, or better said, our relationships with other people.  Metta Meditation is a way to relieve the stress of our internal conflicts with people, places, or things.

The Jersey Shore is packed, already.  It’s like it was when I was a kid.  It’s time to see with ‘new eyes’ again.

Jai Bhagwan.  Om Shanti Om.

Asbury Park Blogging Meditation The Jersey Shore

debateincaElection shenanigans continue to heat up  and Hilary’s exact birthtime is still a well kept secret, as it should be for any high-ranking Scorpio. No doubt she has had some guidance from the astrologers, we’re always lurking around the power centers, if we’re not one ourselves.

Gemini Trump is a poster-child for one who is unable to ‘focus’, the exact opposite of  Scorpio.
It’s quite the conundrum, Gemini vs. Scorpio.

Since we’ve just moved into the season of Scorpio, here’s a list of other notable Scorpio’s, lest you judge the sign by Hilary alone.  Bonnie Raitt  Nov. 9, Vivian Leigh, Tatum O’Neal, Roy Rogers  Nov 5, Ted Turner Nov 19, Sally Field Nov 6, Goldie Hawn Nov 21, Whoopie Goldberg Nov 13rwbdoodleifc

That said,  today I  refer  you back to this post.  Scroll down to where I’ve listed some dates and you will see that Nov. 9 is when Mars/Saturn begin to move into the next phase of their new cycle which began in August.  At 45 degrees of separation a certain subtle tension begins to set in, it happens during the crescent phase of the cycle.   (360 divided by 8 = 45 degree phases) However, Mars is dreadfully close to Pluto at this same time, around Nov 8.  This is not an easy planetary picture, for anyone & everyone.  We are certainly “living in interesting times”, as an ancient Chinese curse proclaims.

The SALON FOR ASTROLOGICAL DISCOURSE will be meeting to discuss all of this and more at our next meeting, WED, NOV 2, 7PM.   If you are in or around Asbury Park, NJ and would like to attend please contact  Ida at Time & Space Consulting for details.

” Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.” 
                                                                                                                          ~Benjamin Franklin

Asbury Park Astrology Blogging Planets and their Cycles

Dad 001I have so many questions for you today. I wish you were here. I miss the quiet, calm, presence we shared when we sat together. What would you make of this world in 2016?  I’d love to hear what you’d say regarding the current political situation!  And, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’d be sitting with at least half a dozen digital screens around you….you were pre-geek.

Well, wherever you are now, may it be peaceful, loving, and kind.
Your Daughter

Asbury Park journal entry My photos

Yoga is looking so different today from how it was represented when I first began to define the word.

I’ve heard one of my personal guru’s say many times, “Yoga has become very popular, but what is popular is not yoga.”. That said, this weeks classes will focus on heart-openings, feels really appropriate given all the planets that are in water signs right now.  While in CA, I participated in some workshops that really focused on heart health.  Look at those two words together, heart/health.  Obviously there’s a strong connection.  With yoga, we get to explore the much broader context of the Heart………….perhaps we’ll begin by toning yam, the bij mantra for the 4th chakra?

Summer Session Begins.   Drop-in’s Welcome.  More about my classes   here and here.



Asbury Park Yoga Yoga Therapy

……I’ve given myself some time & space to write/tell some about my dear Aunt Em.  She is auntema sister to my mother, and also to Uncle Sam….he’s the one I storytold about at the Hamilton Grounds for Sculpture.  Blog post here. What’s so interesting is that since I told that story in September new information has come to me that sheds more light on my connection to civil rights issues…    and, We all need more light, you know?

The topic for the telling is Romance….which is a pretty wide open subject that can be interpreted in so many ways.  However, I knew immediately that this story about my aunt needed to be the first ‘romantic’ story I must tell.  Although, it is very tempting to fly open and tell some tales of my own romantic adventures.   But,most of the characters are still alive to contradict my perspective….which isn’t necessarily a bad thing……..and, now is not the time for that…..or is it?   (pardon my confusion……neptune hovers endlessly around my moon/mars/venus……

Telling the tales of my long departed family feels safe, and even important, since these people provided me with most of my DNA.  It’s good to know your roots and where you come from.  It’s good to see how the stories of our childhood have shaped us, molded us and continue to show us parts of ourselves that may go unnoticed.   But, I digress.   I learned a tune month’s ago at the Harper’s Escape and it’s perfect for this story and provides a perfect title as well…..The Factory Girl.  Don’t know if I’m bringing the harp though….the weather outside is frightful.

I’m going over to the Schedule page now to publish dates and times in case you are local and want to attend.  All Welcome…..


Asbury Park journal entry StoryTelling



This Sunday I am hoping to participate once again at the monthly Circle Of Stories.  It’s open to anyone and if you want the time/place details let me know.

StoryTelling is a new art/hobby/practice for me and I’ve enjoyed watching the process that I put myself through to get from inspiration to presentation.  It’s usually exhausting and exhilarating both at the same time. I wonder why am I doing this.  It’s stressful, yet fulfilling too.  What keeps me coming back is the creative challenge to be authentic, entertaining, and deliver a message in three short minutes.

I’ve learned that it really is best to prepare.  Write things down.  Stand in front of a mirror. Practice enunciation.  All that kind of stuff.

My plan today for this Sunday is to continue the story that began with the ill-fated cruise in the Caribbean.  The ship broke down under a full moon sky and we remained motionless in the hot, humid Atlantic air for more than 12 hours.  What happened after that was amazing!

But, you’ll have to come on Sunday to find out!

I appreciate the oral tradition of storytelling. So much more gets communicated than just words alone, especially if such words are simply fonts on a screen.  Old fashioned cursive writing on your  paper of choice adds minimal, non-verbal detail to our words.  But,  the wisdom and knowledge that gets communicated through the sound of the voice reigns supreme for not just understanding and wisdom, but also for entertainment and healing.

Thinking about bringing my harp but undecided yet.





Asbury Park Blogging journal entry NJ StoryTelling The Jersey Shore

Tomorrow is the first of a series of experiential workshops using the astrological natal chart as tool for self-inquiry and self-development.  It’s been quite a ride for me personally, as I have chosen to follow the stars for most of my life.

These days Uranus is conjunct my mid-heaven and moving in towards a conjunction with the  NN.  Neptune is conjunct SN natally. Obviously, things are changing.  Unknown territory looms ahead for me.  Thanks to the stars,  Pluto is finally past my moon.  Om shanti.

The outer planets, along with all things lunar, have captured my attention for decades.  As a working astrologer who reads charts for individuals, I am also particularly interested in Time, time-measurement, time-management, time-keeping, and what I call Time-Scaping, which is what happens once we have mastered our personal relationship with time and create a life-rhythm which is sustainable.  The cycles of the planets along with the orbit of the moon provide the raw data that is needed.

Anyway, I digress.  Tomorrow’s workshop will tackle the idea that the Lunar Nodes represent our Soul’s Purpose in this incarnation. We’ll look at the nodes in our respective natal charts and discuss it.  Then we’ll take our new found information and practice being our ‘true selves’ using various yogic techniques.

I’ve been doing this work for a lifetime already, and I still get excited when I see the look of “enlightenment” come over someone’s face.  That sudden expression brought on by the combination of insight, understanding, and joy is unmistakeable.

If you’re in or aound Asbury Park, NJ, find us!  The door is round and open  (rumi)

Ancient Wisdom Asbury Park Astrology Buddhism consciousness journal entry Meditation NJ philosophy The Jersey Shore Yoga