Category: <span>Karma</span>

Buddha’s Five Remembrances – Thich Nhat Hanh I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old. I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape ill health. I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death. All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change.…

Buddhism Dharma Karma Yoga

Most astrologers focus on time.  The questions that begin with ‘when’ are innumerable.  The ability to analyze the present moment, the past and the future using a natal horoscope  reveals larger patterns that would otherwise go unnoticed. In 1986 -ish I attended a weekend workshop in CT taught by Jim Lewis, the pioneer of what is today called Astro*Carto*Graphy. (Where you were born holds equal weight with when you were…

AstroCartography Karma Saturn

I am so happy to be a part of this group.  Please join us on April 12 for our annual birthday show. Click here for flyer. I’m still “in process” of cobbling my story together.    The ‘working’ title is “Tales from the East”.  The blurb I submitted reads: Personal challenges take on deeper meanings when viewed from different perspectives. This telling will weave together a personal tale with an ancient story…

Ancient Wisdom Dharma Karma philosophy StoryTelling

    THE DEBT OF KARMA Yogi Amrit Desai Every soul is charged with an evolutionary mission To realize its inborn divine potential. Life is a perpetual therapeutic irritation. It provides a compelling force to drive us Toward the completion of our mission. When we deny a painful experience, It goes underground as a pending debt of unfinished karma. When you block pain, you may feel temporary relief, But your…

Ancient Wisdom Dharma Karma Yoga

If you’re coming around to 30, 60 or 90 years of age (rounding off the numbers for simplicity….consult a professional astrologer for your exact dates.) you’re probably approaching The Saturn Return. A return is when a transiting planet arrives at the same place it was in when you were born. Every year around your birthday you have a Solar Return.

Volumes have been written about the Saturn Return and I encourage you to ‘google’ the term and do your own research. I have a list compiled at and as soon as I develop some more technical skills I’ll share it with you. However, be prepared. You may not like what you read. Saturn has a reputation of bringing us face to face with cold, hard reality.

If you move thru this transition time with consciousness there are some very definite rewards to be gained if you are willing to work hard. It is a time for discipline and patience.

The Saturn Return presents us with choice points: critical decisions are considered, and changes can be implemented ……consciously and/or unconsciously.

All that said, the focus of this post is on the ~3 year period of time that precedes the return, beginning somewhere around the ages 27, 57, or 87 approximate.

Astrology Feng Shui Karma Planets and their Cycles Saturn Time Management Yoga

If you’re coming around to 30, 60 or 90 years of age (rounding the numbers off to prioritize ‘concept’), you’re probably approaching a time period that astrologer’s call the Saturn Return. Volumes have been written about the Saturn Return and I encourage you to Google the term and start reading. However, be prepared. You may not like what you read. Saturn has a reputation of bringing us face to face…

Astrology Karma Planets and their Cycles Saturn Time Management

As I write this, Chiron is in active conjunction with the North Node at 18+ degrees of Aquarius.  As many of you know, I have been actively watching Chiron’s travels for a while.  For me, this conjunction with Rahu (the vedic term for: North Node of the Moon) is a good opportunity to sweep and de-clutter the path in preparation for the ‘new earth’.   Wherever Chiron goes, healing occurs………………………or not.…

Astrology consciousness Karma Planets and their Cycles Time Management Yoga

What happens when you integrate astrology into the yogic practice of self-observation without judgement? Self-inquiry is a spiritual practice that directs our energy and our attention inward. It’s a particular form of self-discovery that encourages one to first recognize and then drop the social mask (also known as the persona, personality, or ascendant) and practice authenticity in every moment. (rather than productivity or some other external goal). In, The Path…

Astrology Buddhism consciousness Dharma Karma Kripalu Meditation philosophy Teachers Yoga Yoga Therapy

And, it runs right thru Southern California on my astro-cartography map. AstroCartography is an astrological technique by which we re-draw the ‘map of the heavens’ and place it on Planet Earth. Mathematically, we are transforming time into space…..or rather, integrating them…..together. I became fascinated by this technique from Jim Lewis way back in the ’80’s. I took a weekend workshop where Jim taught the attending astrologers how to work with…

Astrology Feng Shui journal entry Karma

The asteroid Chiron is named after a mythological centaur (horse/man) who became a great healer/teacher. In astrological mythology, Chiron is the Wounded Healer and has many talents. One story tells how he became immortal and lived a life of suffering after a fatal(?) wound from a poisoned arrow. In the attempt to heal himself,  Chiron learned the magic of herbs, gems, astrology, and  other ancient healing techniques. In our natal…

Astrology consciousness Holistic Health Karma Planets and their Cycles Yoga yoga nidra Yoga Therapy