Category: <span>Holistic Health</span>

Towards the end of my first 200 hr of IYT at Kripalu Center, 2000)  we were asked to choose a topic that we wanted to study using the techniques and practices we were learning.   I struggled to find a topic. Specialization was contrary to my personal philosophy of Yoga.  I  wanted to be skilled in ways to help everyone.  But choose I did and I narrowed it down to stress…

Blogging Holistic Health Kripalu My photos Uncategorized Yoga Yoga Therapy

So, this is my Tiger.  Gonna try and paint her for the “year of the tiger”.  Already the month seems to be very ‘busy’.  Tigers are an active bunch, especially if they have a ‘purpose’.   More on that later.  February is a really good time to Feng Shui your environment.  Expand your thinking on how to use (your) space.  It’s important. Namaste.

Feng Shui Holistic Health

  How aware are you of what you are feeling in your body when you walk into a house/office/building/room? Today’s movement to declutter our homes/live has it’s roots in feng shui which is not the same thing as interior decoration or artistic design with an Asian flavor. Feng Shui is much, much more than a pleasing appearance. When properly understood feng shui is a methodology for creating harmony, balance, prosperity,…

Ancient Wisdom AstroCartography Feng Shui Holistic Health

I knew it was coming.  It was inevitable.  Today the announcement was made in the Berkshire Eagle.  It’s too much to process right now.  It’s a big deal for me, and many, many others.  There will be many stories in the days to come.  Mine will be one of them. My first visit to Kripalu Ashram was right after Gurudev Amrit Desai, the Guru, had left.  That was 1993?  Over…

Holistic Health Kripalu Meditation Yoga Yoga Therapy

So, we’re in the middle of two eclipses and five planets are retrograde.  You don’t really need to know much about astrology to get a sense of the epic time cycle we’re living in.    It really doesn’t matter where you look there’s change, upheaval, and fluctuating conditions mostly everywhere.  You can try to block it out using whatever methods/medicine/magic you have at your disposal.  But relief is temporary.  There really…

Asbury Park Astrology Blogging Holistic Health Yoga Yoga Therapy

  Chiron enters Aries. This is a big deal.   The asteroid named Chiron was discovered in the mid-seventies and I believe he was in Aries at that same time.  Some   senior astrologers out there might remember quite well what was happening during that time.  It was similar to now in ways we are about to find out as Chiron returned to Aries on Feb 19.   A Chiron Return…

Astrology Holistic Health Yoga Therapy

Many years ago I had the pleasure of working at the NJ Center for the Healing Arts. A wonderful group of various therapists, psycho-, massage-, art-, and other practitioners of the alternative/complementary arts/sciences all worked under one roof. The founder had a vision for how to treat mental illness in today’s society. She was a beacon of light to many and I applaud her for her accomplishments and the ripple…

Blogging Geometric Art Holistic Health The Jersey Shore Uncategorized Yoga Therapy

Two important announcements regarding my yoga community were made recently.  The first is that the International Association of Yoga Therapists, after years of work, have defined and developed a curriculum with which  to certify someone as a Yoga Therapist.  This new designation will read as C-IAYT.   This achievement comes on the heels of the Yoga Alliance announcing that they will not recognize the term yoga therapy within their certification…

Holistic Health Kripalu Yoga Yoga Therapy

It’s MLK Day. A day of peace? more war? inequality? balance? When hopes, and dreams, and cures, & kingdoms fail, what then? For some odd reason of neural wiring, I always seem to link MLK to Gandhi. Maybe it is because they both have darker skin then me? How to know anything, for sure, anymore? We live in a world that debates the definition of the word “is”.  And, perhaps,…

Blogging Feng Shui Holistic Health journal entry

Feng Shui, the oriental art of placement, has been around for thousands of years. For generations its principals have been handed down as a form of folk wisdom.  Masters and adepts were called in to clear out negative spirits. Homes were sanctified and protected by invisible space. The techniques evolved over time to include: Choosing building sites, designing the interior environment, and placing furniture. When done, consciously, good health and…

Ancient Wisdom Buddhism Feng Shui Holistic Health