So, this is my Tiger. Gonna try and paint her for the “year of the tiger”. Already the month seems to be very ‘busy’. Tigers are an active bunch, especially if they have a ‘purpose’. More on that later. February is a really good time to Feng Shui your environment. Expand your thinking on how to use (your) space. It’s important. Namaste.
Category: <span>Feng Shui</span>
How aware are you of what you are feeling in your body when you walk into a house/office/building/room? Today’s movement to declutter our homes/live has it’s roots in feng shui which is not the same thing as interior decoration or artistic design with an Asian flavor. Feng Shui is much, much more than a pleasing appearance. When properly understood feng shui is a methodology for creating harmony, balance, prosperity,…
Most astrologers focus on time. The questions that begin with ‘when’ are innumerable. The ability to analyze the present moment, the past and the future using a natal horoscope reveals larger patterns that would otherwise go unnoticed. In 1986 -ish I attended a weekend workshop in CT taught by Jim Lewis, the pioneer of what is today called Astro*Carto*Graphy. (Where you were born holds equal weight with when you were…
Chinese New Year is coming and it’s the year of the goat. I don’t practice that particular astrological system, but I do practice Chinese Feng Shui, just about everyday. It’s a gift to know where and how to make a small adjustment to tweak the movement of chi in my life. I am grateful. Feng shui has brought amazing and noticable results in my personal life and for my…
It’s been a while since I’ve written any feng shui posts. It’s a frequent topic for conversation in a couple of my hatha yoga classes. Go figure. Yoga. Feng Shui. Well, yes….it does make sense. Feng Shui is all about looking outside of us to see the things that usually go un-noticed. Un-noticed, not because they’re hard to see (which is possible), but un-noticed because we have probably become habituated…
Woke up to the news of the large-scale earthquaking in Chile. No doubt there will be many, more events to come right up until April 22 (at the very least). as the alignment of the planets reminds us just who is Boss. Now, sit for a few moments and watch where your mind goes after reading that. Then, take a long, slow, deep breath. Chant Om. (Go to a yoga…
I recently attended Gary Christian’s weekend workshop with the Astrological Society of Princeton I have a long history with this group and it was great to re-connect with other astrologers. Gary spoke as Gary speaks, I’ve heard him before, he is brilliant, and sometimes I understand him, and sometimes I don’t, and yesterday it all worked for me just fine! I am re-inspired to look at some old techniques, again,…
Can you see the nest? It’s brand new! The Feng Shui of it, is simply marvelous. I am grateful.
Whew. Well, it’s moved on now and no longer in the exact degree of eleven. Those of us who are sensitive to Pluto/Uranus can feel a slight sigh of relief. During the mid-60’s Uranus and Pluto were about to merge, conjoin and initiate a cycle of Radical Change & Transformation. The last conjunction was in 1850 in Aries. But that was before we even knew that Pluto existed. The…
Have you seen this video yet? OMG. It’s a must see. Words fail. Stay safe, dear ones. Practice metta. Often.