Category: <span>Buddhism</span>

The book fell off the shelf and opened to this page when I picked it up.   When Things Fall Apart, Heart Advice for Difficult Times  by Pema Chodron   page 91   Spiritual awakening is frequently described as a journey to the top of a mountain.  We leave our attachments and our worldliness behind and slowly make our way to the top.  At the peak we have transcended all pain.  the…

Ancient Wisdom Buddhism Yoga Yoga Therapy

  During the winter months I took a writing class with Ann Randolph and the prompt was Think about a time that you were wild and green in the ways of the world…the whole world was before you, green a newness, a novice, sense of adventure, anything was possible…a curiousity, maybe stumbling and fumbling during this time too…excitement, anticipation, or maybe the wild and green in the ways of the…

Blogging Buddhism StudioIFC Watercolors

Buddha’s Five Remembrances – Thich Nhat Hanh I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old. I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape ill health. I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death. All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change.…

Buddhism Dharma Karma Yoga

    Once again my own words fail me.   Here are some from the Buddha.   This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech. Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied. Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful,…

Buddhism Dharma Meditation philosophy Poetry quotes Yoga

Today, my own words fail me.  Here are some from the Buddah This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, Straightforward and gentle in speech. Humble and not conceited, Contented and easily satisfied. Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful, Not proud and demanding…

Buddhism Dharma Meditation philosophy Poetry quotes Yoga

Woke up to the news of the large-scale earthquaking in Chile.  No doubt there will be many, more events to come right up until April 22 (at the very least). as the alignment of the planets reminds us just who is Boss.  Now, sit for a few moments  and watch where your mind goes after reading that.  Then, take a long, slow, deep breath. Chant Om. (Go to a yoga…

Astrology Blogging Buddhism electro-magnetic energy Feng Shui journal entry philosophy

The new moon at 10 Aries.  The Cardinal Square is aligning and the moon beginning today, will be  giving us a taste of what is to come.  So much change, so fast can be frightening and disorienting for many.  Others get  inspired by all the adrenalin that gets secreted during times like these.  There is no right/wrong way to respond to major change in your life.  There are simply too…

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Buddhism lunar phases

Call it luck.  Call it politics.  Call it whatever you want.  I call it a godwink that I didn’t get a ticket for a moving violation today. I was ‘cruising’ along a wide open waterfront street in a local town when I spotted the police car.  I looked down, and I was going a gentle 40mph on a 25 mph road. Oh! God! No!  But, I didn’t get the ticket…

Blogging Buddhism journal entry NJ The Jersey Shore Yoga

Ancient Wisdom Buddhism consciousness ecstatic poetry Meditation Music

….where I do volunteer work at least three times a year.  This trip I worked as a facilitator and hatha yoga teacher.  The program was called the Inner Quest Intensive and I have been a part of this amazing ‘production’ since ’99.  Here’s a post I wrote after another such trip about 5 years ago. The world really needs this program.  Those of us who facilitate transformation and healing for…

Buddhism consciousness journal entry Kripalu Meditation Yoga