Where were you in the Fall of 1982? What was going on in your personal life? What was going on in the world? How old were you?
In November of that year Pluto and Saturn made a conjunction at 27 Libra. Where is 27 Libra in your natal chart? Is anything in your natal chart at 27 degrees? Look at the cusps and angles too.
This is a good place to begin our self-discovery lessons in Saturn and Pluto. We need some data for: discussion, transforming, healing, fixing, and most importantly, understanding and seeing a big picture view. Answering those questions will help as we approach another Pluto/Saturn conjunction/cycle in January, 2020. It’s a big deal and we astrologers have been holding our breath as we watch the state of the world change (again) before our eyes. That’s where yoga helps this astrologer. B R F W A, in Kripalu talk. Breathe. Relax. Feel. Watch. Allow. All is well.
There are lots of articles floating around the internet speaking of this culture-changing time and I encourage you to read them. Every astrologer has their own specialty. The mundane astrologers are doing a great job tracking the economic/political/geographical/cultural shifts that are going on. I can recommend some good ones to read if you’re interested in the mundane.
As for me, I want to know how to live thru these cycles, with peace, serenity and reaping the best possible outcome. It isn’t easy and it’s not always fun, but the rewards are sure and deep. Bringing your chart to life and seeing the symbolism play out in your everyday life is a great way to stay connected to something that is much greater than me.
Yoga teaches us how to be present in the moment. Through practice and study we notice that how we think/feel/act in the world is always connected to some deeper cellular/tissue/muscle memory on the inside. By choosing yoga practices that reflect the symbolism of current transits we get to release, in the moment, any tensions building up unconsciously. In addition, we experience thru yoga nidra, breathwork, and meditation the release of old tensions held in the body from past lives., which is a whole different conversation having to do with spiritual beliefs.
But first, there’s more astrology to look at .
During the ’82 cycle Pluto & Saturn were alone in Libra. In 2020 the south node of the moon, Ketu in the Vedic system, is tracking with them both in Capricorn, adding an entirely different dimension to our experience of this cycle. Anytime the Lunar Nodes are involved in an aspect it increases the likelihood that an individuals karma is activated during this period. I am in my Ketu MahaDasa in the Vedic system and it’s a fascinating time to engage in self-study. More reason to use yoga for processing.
In our dharma/karma workshops we investigate our natal placement of the lunar nodes and try to discern how they show up in our lives and more importantly how to learn from them, isn’t that what it’s *all* about, anyway, to learn, grow, evolve? Otherwise what’s the point of anything? So we investigate how south node holds the information from our past lives and encourages us to take the easy way out of most situations. It feels wickedly ‘comfortable’ ,just like your old slippers.
There is no growth without conscious effort and we will be stuck in our old patterns doomed to repeat the wheel of karma without any progress, until we come to understand how the North Node leads us forward.
Inquire Within – Registration is open for weekend intensive & 5-day immersion.