Category: <span>Pluto</span>

Where were­­ you in the Fall of 1982?  What was going on in your personal life?  What was going on in the world?  How old were you?

In November of that year Pluto and Saturn made a conjunction at 27 Libra.  Where is 27 Libra in your natal chart?  Is anything in your natal chart at 27 degrees?  Look at the cusps and angles too.

This is a good place to begin our self-discovery lessons in Saturn and Pluto.  We need some data for: discussion, transforming, healing, fixing, and most importantly, understanding and seeing a big picture view.  Answering those questions will help as we approach another Pluto/Saturn conjunction/cycle in January, 2020.  It’s a big deal and we astrologers have been holding our breath as we watch the state of the world change (again) before our eyes.  That’s where yoga helps this astrologer.  B R F W A, in Kripalu talk.  Breathe. Relax. Feel. Watch. Allow.         All is well.

There are lots of articles floating around the internet speaking of this culture-changing time and I encourage you to read them.  Every astrologer has their own specialty.  The mundane astrologers are doing a great job tracking the economic/political/geographical/cultural shifts that are going on.  I can recommend some good ones to read if you’re interested in the mundane.

As for me, I want to know how to live thru these cycles, with peace, serenity and reaping the best possible outcome.   It isn’t easy and it’s not always fun,  but the rewards are sure and deep.  Bringing your chart to life and seeing the symbolism play out in your everyday life is a great way to stay connected to something that is much greater than me.


Yoga teaches us how to be present in the moment.  Through practice and study we notice that how we think/feel/act in the world is always connected to some deeper cellular/tissue/muscle memory on the inside.   By choosing yoga practices that reflect the symbolism of current transits we get to release, in the moment, any tensions building up unconsciously.  In addition, we experience thru yoga nidra, breathwork, and meditation the release of old tensions held in the body from past lives., which is a whole different conversation having  to do with spiritual beliefs.

But  first, there’s more astrology to look at .

During the ’82 cycle Pluto & Saturn were alone in Libra.  In 2020  the south node of the moon, Ketu in the Vedic system, is tracking with them both in Capricorn, adding an entirely different dimension to our experience of this cycle.  Anytime the Lunar Nodes are involved in an aspect it increases the likelihood that an individuals karma is activated during this period.  I am in my Ketu MahaDasa in  the Vedic system and it’s a fascinating time to engage in self-study.  More reason to use yoga for processing.

In our dharma/karma workshops we investigate our natal placement of the lunar nodes and try to discern how they show up in our lives and more importantly how to learn from them, isn’t that what it’s *all* about, anyway, to learn, grow, evolve?  Otherwise what’s the point of anything?  So we investigate how south node holds the information from our past lives and encourages us to take the easy way out of most situations.  It feels wickedly ‘comfortable’ ,just like your old slippers.

There is no growth without conscious effort and we will be stuck in our old patterns doomed to repeat the wheel of karma without any progress, until we come to understand how the North Node leads us forward.

Inquire Within – Registration is open for weekend intensive & 5-day immersion.





Astrology Kripalu Pluto Saturn Yoga Yoga Therapy

rwbdoodleifcAll three top presidential candidates have Pluto in Leo at their birth.

Between 1937 & 1956  Pluto moved thru Leo and the “Baby Boomers” were born.   Astrologically speaking, all those born during the same Pluto placement have the same evolutionary/generational challenge: to transform, revolutionize, and bring to a higher level all the issues of what the sign, LEO,  represents.  Being the largest population group for a long time, we’ve made some fundamental changes in our society, beginning in the 60’s.  But the balance of power is changing now and the Millennial population is beginning to en mass as per their particular Pluto placement.  More on them another time.

Pluto represents transformation,  guaranteeing that something gets birthed, something dies, and something is reborn.  That is the essence of what transformation is.    It takes about 20 years for Pluto to move thru a single zodiac sign, 248 years to make one orbit around the sun.  Each human generation is measured by the movement of Pluto thru the  zodiac.  Each zodiac sign symbolizes a whole different  life-lesson or soul’s purpose for those born during this time.   It all gets clearer as you age. Wisdom has its own rewards.   The stress points (hard angles) are particularly revealing.

Leo, is possibly, the most self-absorbed sign of the entire zodiac, most especially about aging, and those boomers are the seniors now.    The youth driven culture that we initiated in the 60’s is now poised to take over the governance of our nation, again as evidenced by the majority of this years presidential nominee’s.

Part of a boomers charm is the ability to remain the eternal child,  the puer aeternus. and that about says it all.  We are the kids who just want to have fun.  It’s a natural response to our Pluto in Cancer parents.  Leo is all about ego and prioritizing ‘self’ over group.  Pluto in Virgos & Libra are our kids. And, Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius are our grandkids.   But I digress.


USAMundane astrology is the study of world events, rather than people.  I don’t spend much time with event charts, but there is a lot you can glean from them.  This chart here is the birthchart of the USA.  There is some disagreement among the astrologers as to exact time of birth and other charts have been put forth and argued for.  I choose to use this one.

I bring it up because it’s important to note, even before this election cycle began, that Pluto has been making some serious aspects to the chart of our country.  There’s no denying the fact that we are in the process of re-birthing our nation.  It’s very serious and we need to understand that regardless of how the media (transformed when Pluto traveled thru Sag from 1995-2009), portrays the news and the candidates.    Once again I refer you to the mundane astrologers who have analyzed this better than me.

That said, the candidates are, as usual, perfectly suited to represent the times we are living in.   Bernie & Hillary actually have a lot in common and seem to be quite compatible in many ways.  Jupiter is at the midheaven for both of them and that bodes well.  Donald, on the other hand, well, it’s frightening to consider.  Seriously.

Anyway, that’s enough for now.  Look at the charts for yourself.  It’s a good way to begin studying astrology….watching famous people be who they are.

If you want more of my humble opinion you can sign up for my newsletter on a widget over there on the right.    The Salon for Astrological Discourse will be returning later this summer.

Charts here.

2016 Presidential Candidates
2016 Presidential Candidates







….more later


Astrology Blogging Doodles Planets and their Cycles Pluto

So, I’m still living on the Pluto line, but my days are numbered now:  Twenty-nine, twenty-four hour periods for CA , give or take daylight savings time and the fact that due north is no longer due north, more on that later.  I’m  continuing to have multiple outer planet transits to my most significant personal planets and  Saturn keeps crawling around in my fourth house stirring up all kinds of ghosts and hopefully, angels.  It’s about as hard as it gets,astrologically, yet I’m grateful that my trials and tribulations are mine. It’s the path my soul needs to walk in a human body.  It’s not personal. It’s Pluto. It’s time for transformation, again.  Scholars, seekers, and scientists have described the pain and suffering of the process across the ages. Yogi’s, healers, and therapists try to minimize the negative effects of the pain and suffering.  One way out is death…..  and re-birth if you proscribe to Pluto as ruler of Scorpio.

Transformation is often accompanied by some kind of aha, awakening, or sudden unexpected life change. Our old ways don’t work anymore. To continue in the same mode is ridiculous.  However, for some, leaving behind and letting go is difficult, arduous, and overwhelming.  It helps to have support or to join with others that are of like mind or the common community.


watching_tvPlato’s allegory of The Cave is a nice metaphor for Pluto. When the cave dwellers realized that their reality included more than shadows on a wall, that there were people outside the cave living in a different world entirely, a ‘transformational’ process began.   The old reality is no longer suitable.  The new reality is nothing we have ever encountered before.  Most likely, old behaviors will not produce the same results either.


to be continued.  Today is the start of the balsamic moon phase.  Be at peace.

Blogging journal entry philosophy Pluto

Hmmmm. Not sure that title really works with this Plutonian Full Moon today. Anytime I see Pluto in a configuration it feels a little ominous.

Here’s the chart:

Of course, with Venus over there hanging out with the Sun it does soften things up a bit.

Like kittens do.

Shadow appears

This little kitten *appeared in my yard* just about 14 months ago. She showed up at the same time as I was experiencing a sudden and devastating loss. To me, she was an ‘angel’ in disguise. I named her Shadow, because she hid in shadows all the time during our first months.

The other day (she comes around to feed occasionally), I noticed that she had lost a lot of weight? Then she moved aside and I saw, another kitten! Oh my.

Pluto…..transforms us and forces us to grow by reproducing. That’s the essence of why it rules things like AIDS, Cancer, Nuclear & Atomic fission. Nothing can destroy something so utterly and completely like Pluto. The Phoenix represents Pluto well in reminding us that something wonderful can rise up from the ashes of destruction. Pluto is a harbinger of birth, death, & rebirth.

Consider caterpillers. They become butterflies during Plutonion processes, trans – forming from one form of being to another. Pluto doesn’t mess around.

Although violence can be part of a transformation process, it’s not really necessary for ‘a transformation’ to succeed. Pluto happens.

Moving thru Plutonion times peacefully is well-worth the effort. I’ve got another harp gig tonite, which means that I’ll be spending the day feeling anxious & excited at the same time. Looking at today’s transits the moon will be coming into an exact opposition with Venus just as I’m supposed to play. Moon/Venus in Gemini/Sag………….what a great way to communicate……music!

Practice peace with this full moon.

The weather looks great where I am.

Om nimah shivaya.

Astrology journal entry Miscellaneous Pluto

fear not

The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction of 2007 began on December 11 at twenty-nine degrees of Sagittarius. When planets come into conjunction a new cycle begins. Phases are the individual parts of a cycle.  (more on cycles & phases always, check back again)

The Sabian Symbol for 29SAG is:


The Keynote reads, “the need to attend to everyday tasks which both ensure social worth or respectability, and benefits one’s constitution.


It may indeed be time for some economic adjustments.

Jupiter is going to show us how to do this when he moves his girth and expansive gifts to Capricorn….sometime over the next week. Here’s where we gain some understanding of how status, reputation, and tradition show up in our lives. Pluto is going to transform all of that. Yup. I can see that happening.

The question is, just how painful (or pleasurable) will the cycle be? Most people opt for one or the other, which maintains lila.

What if we just do nothing?

What if we just continue our yoga practice of ‘being’?

What if we gave a war and no one showed up?

What if all the people holding guns on the planet just put them down and walked away?

Jupiter will be in Capricorn for 12 years.

That’s a time period that gives us plenty of breathing room.

Take a breath, now.

Things are going to get interesting.

Fear Not!

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi

Astrology Planets and their Cycles Pluto Yoga