Category: <span>Astrology</span>

So, we’re in the middle of two eclipses and five planets are retrograde.  You don’t really need to know much about astrology to get a sense of the epic time cycle we’re living in.    It really doesn’t matter where you look there’s change, upheaval, and fluctuating conditions mostly everywhere.  You can try to block it out using whatever methods/medicine/magic you have at your disposal.  But relief is temporary.  There really are some terrible things happening if we are to believe the images and words on our screens.  It’s important to check in with the people around you since many are feeling fragmented, confused and hopeless.   Anyway, it’s  an auspicious time to Inquire Within and the stars will guide us accordingly.  It might not read as a “fun, summertime activity” but, for those who understand how transmutation and transformation work, the opportunity provided to you from this upcoming program is priceless.


more later.

Asbury Park Astrology Blogging Holistic Health Yoga Yoga Therapy

….feeling the need to re-post this today.   Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi. 


Within the city of Brahman,

which is the body,

there is the heart,

and within the heart

there is a little house.


This house has the shape of a lotus,

and within it dwells that which is to be

sought after,

inquired about,

and realized.


Even so large as the universe outside,

is the universe within the lotus of the heart.

Within it are heaven and earth,

the sun, moon,

the lightning

and all the stars.


Whatever is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm also.

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Dharma Doodles StudioIFC Yoga

Where were­­ you in the Fall of 1982?  What was going on in your personal life?  What was going on in the world?  How old were you?

In November of that year Pluto and Saturn made a conjunction at 27 Libra.  Where is 27 Libra in your natal chart?  Is anything in your natal chart at 27 degrees?  Look at the cusps and angles too.

This is a good place to begin our self-discovery lessons in Saturn and Pluto.  We need some data for: discussion, transforming, healing, fixing, and most importantly, understanding and seeing a big picture view.  Answering those questions will help as we approach another Pluto/Saturn conjunction/cycle in January, 2020.  It’s a big deal and we astrologers have been holding our breath as we watch the state of the world change (again) before our eyes.  That’s where yoga helps this astrologer.  B R F W A, in Kripalu talk.  Breathe. Relax. Feel. Watch. Allow.         All is well.

There are lots of articles floating around the internet speaking of this culture-changing time and I encourage you to read them.  Every astrologer has their own specialty.  The mundane astrologers are doing a great job tracking the economic/political/geographical/cultural shifts that are going on.  I can recommend some good ones to read if you’re interested in the mundane.

As for me, I want to know how to live thru these cycles, with peace, serenity and reaping the best possible outcome.   It isn’t easy and it’s not always fun,  but the rewards are sure and deep.  Bringing your chart to life and seeing the symbolism play out in your everyday life is a great way to stay connected to something that is much greater than me.


Yoga teaches us how to be present in the moment.  Through practice and study we notice that how we think/feel/act in the world is always connected to some deeper cellular/tissue/muscle memory on the inside.   By choosing yoga practices that reflect the symbolism of current transits we get to release, in the moment, any tensions building up unconsciously.  In addition, we experience thru yoga nidra, breathwork, and meditation the release of old tensions held in the body from past lives., which is a whole different conversation having  to do with spiritual beliefs.

But  first, there’s more astrology to look at .

During the ’82 cycle Pluto & Saturn were alone in Libra.  In 2020  the south node of the moon, Ketu in the Vedic system, is tracking with them both in Capricorn, adding an entirely different dimension to our experience of this cycle.  Anytime the Lunar Nodes are involved in an aspect it increases the likelihood that an individuals karma is activated during this period.  I am in my Ketu MahaDasa in  the Vedic system and it’s a fascinating time to engage in self-study.  More reason to use yoga for processing.

In our dharma/karma workshops we investigate our natal placement of the lunar nodes and try to discern how they show up in our lives and more importantly how to learn from them, isn’t that what it’s *all* about, anyway, to learn, grow, evolve?  Otherwise what’s the point of anything?  So we investigate how south node holds the information from our past lives and encourages us to take the easy way out of most situations.  It feels wickedly ‘comfortable’ ,just like your old slippers.

There is no growth without conscious effort and we will be stuck in our old patterns doomed to repeat the wheel of karma without any progress, until we come to understand how the North Node leads us forward.

Inquire Within – Registration is open for weekend intensive & 5-day immersion.





Astrology Kripalu Pluto Saturn Yoga Yoga Therapy

When an outer planet (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto) moves into a new sign or a new house it can be a momentous occasion and often manifests in some kind of (symbolic) event (major or minor) to announce the ‘new’ energy pattern that is about to unfold.

Of course, leaving behind the old sign, or old house also has it’s own significant events that sum up the lesson(s) of what’s being left behind, for now or for however long it takes until the cycle repeats again.  Such is the ‘wheel’ of Karma.

Neptune entered Pisces in 2012 and slid into my ninth house in the spring of 2013.  Neptune can deliver some frightening experiences if left unnoticed so its always best to find healthy ways to experience it.  Such is the gift of astrology, to make one aware of what is possible.  But, back to me, it’ll take until 2029  before it  connects with my midheaven and enters my 10th house.

Neptune in the 9th for 11 years will slowly dissolve what was before and invisibly recreate all ninth house affairs.  In doing that it will also send some *shade* onto the 3rd house, and any other natal placements it aspects.  (Astrological dictionary here)

Some ninth house  affairs include:  long distance travel,  foreign or distant places, aliens, immigrants, as well as Judges, Religious Authority figures, philosophers and athletes.  Travels need not be physical, but could be intellectual or spiritual .  Our personal philosophy is described in the ninth house and with Neptune here I expect I’ll think about things quite differently before it’s over.   (some Neptune keywords here)

In order to understand a transiting planet in one’s personal horoscope, you must first investigate the natal placement of that planet first.  And that’s where it gets impossibly ridiculous for me.  Because, you see, I was born in Neptune, NJ, and lived from 0-8yrs in Neptune City, NJ.  Natal Neptune is in my 4th house of home, real estate, and early childhood.  I have no choice but to pay attention to *neptune*.

Obviously, as the current colloquialism goes, “you can’t make this stuff up”.

Today, Neptune is only minutes away from a trine to Natal Sun, midway thru Pisces, and midway thru my ninth house.   The landscape of my life has certainly changed since I began writing this post in 2015 and I’m happy that I kept the draft.  It helps to mark certain time-periods.

I can say this, we do create our own reality, and with Neptune time is fluid.  It helps to have *spiritual* practices that connect you to *the present moment*

Om Shanti.  May all beings be peaceful.  May all beings be kind.  May all beings be happy.

Do More Yoga.

Astrology journal entry Uncategorized


Chiron enters Aries.

This is a big deal.   The asteroid named Chiron was discovered in the mid-seventies and I believe he was in Aries at that same time.  Some   senior astrologers out there might remember quite well what was happening during that time.  It was similar to now in ways we are about to find out as Chiron returned to Aries on Feb 19.   A Chiron Return is in place.

Click for related post.

For a richer *understanding*  of what this upcoming cycle might yield I turn to the Sabien Symbols as interpreted by  Dane Rudyhar..   I’ve written about them in past posts.

Rudyhar writes: “1° ARIES is the “first of the 360 phases of a universal and multi-level cyclic process which aims at the actualization of a particular set of potentialities.”  This 360 phase process is described symbolically thru out the book.   Specifically the first degree of Aries is the Sabian Symbol: “A WOMAN JUST RISEN FROM THE SEA.  A SEAL IS EMBRACING HER.”

Rudyhar goes on with the keynote:  Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness.

There’s a lot to unpack there.

….more later



Astrology Holistic Health Yoga Therapy

I was running late to class and hobbling still on my sore ankle.  I’ll remember Mars turning retrograde at 4 degrees Aquarius (ruling  zodiac sign of ankles) for a long time!  As soon as I got to the top stair and turned the corner to the studio I saw it, a large white shopping bag with a big pink post-it to Ida…and a heart drawn with red markers.  It was sitting on the chair in the hall by the door to The Sanctuary.  I looked in the bag and saw a bunch of books with a piece of paper on top.  There was no note or card or any clue at all as to the giver of this gift.  I grabbed the bag and hobbled some more into the studio.


My curiosity was stoked!  The bag held a delightful assortment of astrology books, most very old, but well kept and well read with pages dogeared and jacket covers marking pages.  I already had a few of them but some I’d never seen before.

In addition to the books was a piece of paper with what might be a natal chart but there’s no name or birthday or birthplace or any personal data at all.  It didn’t look like any other natal chart or chart form I’d ever seen before, and I’ve been seeing charts since 1970 something.

The other item in the bag was an aspectarian, and that item lit me up like a firecracker!  But, that’s another story.

Students began to arrive and I put the books away holding aside Dane Rudyhar’s, An Astrological Mandala – 360 Symbolic Phases.  I have a yellowed paperback held together with a rubber band at home.  I can use this hardcover one for sure.  Usefulness is important when you have Mars and Saturn in Virgo like I.

Another Solar Eclipse was due on Aug 11 at 19 degrees of Leo.  I look up that degree in Rudyhar’s book thinking it would be a good reading for the class and might offer some timely discourse.

Class begins.  It’s a struggle, at first, to pull my mind away from the mysterious gift.  But, by the time we got to “OM”, we were all centered, grounded, and ready for our yoga practices.

After class, we chatted some and I remembered how I wanted to share the page on 19 degrees of Leo,   Instead, I opened the book to the page that was marked with the book cover.  I looked and it read Phase 279, 9 degrees Capricorn. An Angel Carrying a Harp.   Stunned, I looked from the page to the beige nubby carpet up to the creamy tan wall and over to the small, Wm Reese, fully levered, maple lapharp perched on her stand in front of me.

Was that page marked for me?  Even the remaining students in the room were curiously mystified.

After they left I considered what to do with the bag.  I pulled out the piece of paper and the aspectarian, packed the books up, and left it at the studio.

Later that night, I looked at what I brought home, and it does appear like a natal chart of someone born in the 40’s or perhaps early 50’s.  Sun in Sag, Moon in Taurus (?) the symbols here are unclear, Capricorn is rising.  I can’t think of anyone offhand that has that astrological signature.    But, Scorpio’s love mysteries.   Sometimes.

Is this a gift from a peer, an admirer, or a stalker, or someone who has found me on the internet and chooses to remain anonymous for nefarious reasons, or what?

I am well acquainted to what an imaginative monkey-mind can do.  Yet, the bag was left anonymously, on purpose?

Anyway, if you’re still reading this and you know who left it, would you please let me know.

Meanwhile, the solar eclipse has passed and we can now try to make sense of all this summer has revealed…….so far.

Om Shanti….


Astrology Blogging Creative Non-Fiction Yoga


canstockphoto15147107 (2)When an outer planet (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto) first enters a new sign or a new house it can be a momentous occasion and often manifests in some kind of (symbolic) event (major or minor) to announce the ‘new’ energy pattern that is about to unfold.  Of course, leaving behind the old sign, or old house also has its own significant events that sum up the lesson(s) of what’s being left behind, at least until the cycle repeats again.  Such is the ‘wheel’ of Karma, what goes around, comes around.

Neptune entered Pisces in 2012 and with all the turmoil in our mundane world, Neptune in Pisces can be a welcome antidote or a dangerous escape.*

Neptune rules all things ‘spiritual’. Spiritual yearning, spiritual awakening, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual growth, spiritual development are all indicated until it moves into Aries in 2026.  Many will be drawn towards exploration and experimentation during these years.  Ancient spiritual seekers spent whole lifetimes exploring these spiritual dimensions.  Along the way they developed many different techniques that helped them achieve enlightenment and higher consciousness  They showed us that transcendence and transformation is possible. Those that follow eastern philosophies and techniques are taught that “the guru is within” and enlightenment is possible at any moment.  Karma & dharma are the foundational principles and Astrology is a respected resource for guidance and comfort.

Today, we can’t go away and live in a cave for 30 years. We are ‘householders’ on the path.  We have worldly responsibilities to attend to. Still the yearning for spiritual communion persists.  And, the same practices that bring enlightenment can also bring us an expansive experience of happiness, health, and wholeness.  Rarely do these practices harm us in any way.

The explosion of yoga & meditation into today’s mainstream is one of the most visible manifestations of this illusive transit. Yoga, the original mind/body/spiritual practice, is a powerful practice to access the deeper parts of our consciousness, particularly when you go beyond asana to include off-the-mat techniques with an experienced teacher. Inner space explorations stir up the unconscious and help us to see places we don’t visit consciously. For this reason, it is important that people who do this work are prepared, willing and emotionally ready to do so.  Self-study (svadhaya) and discipline (tapas) are required.

When Neptune reached 8 degrees in spring of 2013, she slid into my ninth house. Neptune can deliver some frightening experiences if left ignored so its always best to find healthy ways to experience it.  Such is the gift of astrology, to make one aware of what is possible. So it’s my intention to use it wisely.  She’ll be there until 2029 after which she’ll connect with my midheaven and enter my 10th house.

During these  years  she will slowly dissolve what was before and invisibly recreate all ninth house affairs.  Our personal philosophy is described in the ninth house and with Neptune here I expect I’ll think about things quite differently before it’s over.

Other ninth house  topics include: long distance travel,  foreign or distant places, aliens, immigrants, as well as judges, religious authority figures, philosophers and athletes.  Travels need not be physical, but could be intellectual or spiritual .

In order to understand a transiting planet in one’s personal horoscope, you must first investigate the natal placement of that planet first.  And that’s where it gets impossibly ridiculous for me!  Because, you see, I was born in Neptune, NJ, and lived from 0-8yrs in Neptune City, NJ.  Natal Neptune is in my 4th house of home, real estate, and early childhood.  Neptune is demanding my attention!

*Neptune rules a lot of other things too. Keywords are here.


Astrology Doodles Planets and their Cycles

If Saturn were nearer to us than it is it might look like this.

Forward progress begins again….most especially after mercury goes direct early September.

Happy Birthday Virgo!

Om Shanti, Om

ps. I don’t remember where I got that photo. I’ll credit you if you let me know who you are.

Astrology journal entry Saturn


“It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out:  it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.”  ~Robert W. Service

Recently at our Salon for Astrological Discourse we discussed the mythological and astrological Eris, a dwarf planet discovered in 2005.

It’s always worth the time to note the events that are going on (around the planet) at the time of astronomical discoveries.  There’s an inherent connection (as above, so below) and current events will mirror the theme.  This is how astrologers advanced the science/art thru out the ages.

In 2004-5 the headlines got bolder, larger, and louder.

Hurricane Katrina and the 7.6 Earthquake killing 73,000 in Pakistan were devastating events.

The media grew to global proportions becoming more pervasive  and less persuasive.

The Iraq war was in full swing.

And, righeriswithapplet along with those major events came the unexpected Academy Award Winner, Million-Dollar Baby featuring a skinny Hillary Swank in boxing gear.

Eris arrives.  The milliondollarbabyoscarfeminine warrior archetype let us know beginning in 2004-05  that she is in our consciousness now and will be reckoned with.   Before it’s  discovery a planet still impacts our history, but it’s after we have named and claimed the new orbiting body that it becomes *visible* and a part of our consciousness.  In 2005 she had made her way to 20 degrees of Aries.  She caught my attention in 2007 when I first blogged about her.  Here’s a link to other posts about Eris on this website.

It takes Eris 557 earth years to complete her orbit.  This keeps her in a zodiac sign for many generations of humans.  We’ve been enduring her wrath in Aries since 1923 and she’ll remain in Aries until 2047.  Aries is fire, masculine, and action oriented…. exactly the kind of feisty climate Eris enjoys.

In the Greek myths, Eris was a trouble maker who always felt snubbed.  The rest of the pantheon avoided her because they knew how easily provoked she was.  And, when she was provoked she would create chaos, dissent, and rivalry among everyone around her.  Astrologically, this goddess of disruption is particularly good at creating family discord…that’s where she’s ‘at her best’.  Her small, subtle actions frequently have a way of mushrooming into something huge and disruprive….like pulling out that one little thread and suddenly the whole garment unravels.

On July 10, 2017  Mars squared Eris and the headlines of the day regarding our First Family couldn’t have been a more perfect expression of Eris in action.  For those interested in Mundane Astrology, I remind you that Eris is at 8 degrees Aries in the chart of the USA.


May all beings be healthy.  May all beings be happy.  May all beings live in peace, no matter what they’re given.

Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.


—stay tuned for more on Eris.






















Astrology Eris

Within the city of Brahman,

which is the body,

there is the heart,

and within the heart

there is a little house.


This house has the shape of a lotus,

and within it dwells that which is to be

sought after,

inquired about,

and realized.


Even so large as the universe outside,

is the universe within the lotus of the heart.

Within it are heaven and earth,

the sun, moon,

the lightning

and all the stars.


Whatever is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm also.

Ancient Wisdom Astrology Yoga