THE ART OF THE EVER-TRUE Yoga unites us . Geometry does too. We are in agreement that a square is unlike a circle. Geometry becomes sacred because it demonstrates the structure of our natural world and, extends out to describe the underlying structure of the universe. FINDING THE SACRED IN THE STILLPOINT… The process seems almost magical when drawing these patterns with the traditional geometer’s tools of…
Category: <span>Ancient Wisdom</span>
…and a(nother) good time was had by all. Here are a few of the pictures I took. It was seriously overcast and somewhat sprinkly and cool outdoors. That alone will prompt another visit soon when it’s sunny. The outdoors is magnificent. Aside from the high tension wires and local vegetation, I could imagine myself transported to India. Between my visit in 2017 and this one I have continued to learn…
Geometric drawing has taken me on quite a cultural journey. Today, I understand why geometry is sacred. Initially I became interested in what is known as Islamic geometry. Examples of it’s artistry are found around the world and on this website. In holy and humble places, the patterns are everywhere once you *see* them. Straight lines dominate but movement, fluidity, and spiraling is evident, especially with the addition of the…
WHO’S WHO? They’ve been in the news alot lately, getting analyzed every which way. So, I got curious and gathered together their birth info to create this who’s who on the Supreme Court in Dec.2022. Can you figure out who’s who? It’s a fun little exercise if learning astrology. Each of these charts was calculated only from mo/dd/yr of birth. No time or location was used. I’ve place the SUN…
The book fell off the shelf and opened to this page when I picked it up. When Things Fall Apart, Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chodron page 91 Spiritual awakening is frequently described as a journey to the top of a mountain. We leave our attachments and our worldliness behind and slowly make our way to the top. At the peak we have transcended all pain. the…
About a month ago I volunteered to tell a story for the 8th annual Storyteller’s Tellabration. It’s been a few years since I’ve tackled this kind of creative endeavor and I’m a little nervous. My genre of storytelling is a hybrid of personal memoir and ancient mythology. In the past I’ve delved into ancient gods/goddesses from different cultures and I’ve always learned something important. I’ve added some links below…
Back to the drawing board….. that’s a phrase that comes to mind whenever I have to start something…again…from scratch… That’s what it feels like these I have to re-create my *life-plan* again. Who knew a global pandemic would upend life and country in such a way? Surely not I, even with the decades and hours of study and practice of ancient wisdom traditions. Oh well. One breath at a…
How aware are you of what you are feeling in your body when you walk into a house/office/building/room? Today’s movement to declutter our homes/live has it’s roots in feng shui which is not the same thing as interior decoration or artistic design with an Asian flavor. Feng Shui is much, much more than a pleasing appearance. When properly understood feng shui is a methodology for creating harmony, balance, prosperity,…
A long time ago I created the word timescaping….it’s a verb. I couldn’t find it anywhere else, and I researched it, so I’m ready to take ownership of this word, now. It describes the act of perceiving time as cyclical & multi-dimensional, not linear, which is how a majority of us see it. The word implies, by intention, that we can have an effect on time, just as time effects…
He with body waged a fight But body won; it walks upright Then he struggled with the heart; Innocence and peace depart. Then he struggled with the mind; His proud heart he left behind. Now his wars on God begin; At stroke of midnight God shall win. ~William Butler Yeats